Chapter 7: A Flute

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I think some have figured out the general progression of this far as locations go. I'd wager the Mirelands will start peeling back more on the actual direction of the story, though. Chapter 7!

Chapter 7

A Flute

The dew-laden morning made for a bright and early start from Jubilife. Unlike the last trip outside the village, Akari felt more than a bit assured that their mission could end in success, and she was determined to make it so. Helping that was the contingent of Security Corps members, handpicked by Zisu, herself. It made their group a large one, if a bit slower moving than they had previously, a fact which only mildly inconvenienced Akari, lost to the hopes Rei would not succumb to the infection until they could return.

The larger size did mean transportation, though, with Cyllene determining that going by foot was too slow a method for so urgent a result. Thus it was that they set out across the Fieldlands in a Ponyta-drawn cart, the horses neighing happily on Arezu's petting of them. They also enjoyed Cyndaquil's presence, their fellow Fire type riding on one's back while they crossed over the bridge and rivers, over to a rocky cave entrance.

"The mountain splits all of Hisui, so there's a cavern or two we must push through," Laventon explained, displaying his maps as they hit a bump. Some of his pens fell to the floor of the cart, forcing him to dive for them and Akari to tamp down the map of their impending destination. "Thankfully they're well-worn paths."

"The Nobles cut those paths." Akari kept holding tight to the paper until Oshawott dropped on it and held it in place, allowing her to sit back and observe Arezu in the cart. The young woman continued to play with her hair, or occasionally the scissors on her pack. "Or that's what all the legends and tales say. That with the gift of time from Almighty Sinnoh, they were given to making things quicker. Lord Electrode, especially, who with his speed, cut caverns through all the mountains."

"If it was about time and speed, then how come these lands exist in the first place?" Akari questioned. Arezu stopped her twirling, giving a half-hearted chuckle at the question being asked. It mattered little to make her think twice, and the rest of the Security Corps keeping watch on the outskirts before the cave didn't say anything, but Akari leaned forward. "You have to admit, it's not like time crafted mountains."

"No, but it can certainly wear them down," Laventon admitted. He had gathered his pens back up with a smile, drawing the map (and Oshawott) closer to him. "I certainly doubt these places look the same as they did three thousand years ago, and I'd imagine even a one-hundred-year difference could radically change the landscape of Hisui. Or even the entire world!"

"I think that'd be fascinating to see!" Arezu said, clapping her hands together. She was a bit too bubbly for Akari's tastes, especially when they were on a mission. Hoping to not deal with that, Akari stared across the last of the plains. The Pokémon seemed moderately calmer than before Kleavor had been dealt with, but there was still an unease resting across the land. The sky cracking can't have helped. "I wonder what things would look like. Would the clans still be around? Would I have had a family? What would my daughter or granddaughter be like?"

"One can never know the future. But seeking out the possibilities is something we do best. You'd make a good Survey Corps member if you like that sort of thing, Miss Arezu."

"Oh, no! I couldn't possibly!" She was back to twirling her hair, sheepish in the moment, an image highlighted when they entered the cave and had their path lit by the burning manes of the Ponyta. It made her seem like her whole entire face was flushed with either embarrassment or some other emotion, her whole head looking ablaze thanks to the color of her hair. She didn't dare speak, either, until the growing light of the sun finally indicated their departure from the cave and on the rocky road to the Mirelands.

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