Chapter 8: A Will

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The fandom might be on fire, but as long as this story remains fire, we're all good! Besides, not like we started it. Let's get to Chapter 8!

Chapter 8

A Will

"Where did it come from?"

The trickle of the river was not enough to cut over Akari's voice, her little hands holding to the otter that had appeared, facedown in the tributary. Looking up and down the source of water running through their village, she saw no sign of its origin, but could feel its shuddering, cold fur. Next to her, her brother reached out, putting a hand to the poor Pokémon's head.

"Seems like he's burning up. Let's take him to mom."

"O-okay!" The clop of footsteps sounded hollow as they ran, running through the peaceful village, dodging through the people on the street until they reached the establishment where their parents worked. Soon as their mother saw them, she ushered them inside, beginning to chop a plateful of Rawst Berries. Filled with worry, Akari remained at the little one's side.

"You don't have to stare at him the whole time, Akari," Rei said. He had no ground to stand on, sitting right there with her as their mother finished mashing the berries.

"But I'm worried, Rei! He showed up out of nowhere all alone!"

"That's been happening a lot lately, according to the adults," Rei said. He folded his arms, and it made him look cooler than he ever had. Ever knowledgeable and wise about what to do in a circumstance, each word he spoke made her eyes lit up. "Lots of Pokémon coming down the river and stuff. Some say it's because their homes were destroyed in a storm."

"Don't speak of such things, Rei," their mother snapped, and the children saluted at attention. "It'll do no good. Focus on what you can do here. You said you wanted to join the village guard, didn't you? Work on that."

"And I'll work on feeding everyone so Rei can keep protecting everyone!"

"You two are honestly joined at the hip. It doesn't surprise me. Even with you trying to be a cook, you can't help but sneak off to his training sessions. That said, Akari, would you do the honors?" Her face lit up, brightly shining as she took the bowl from her mother and approached the now squirming Pokémon. Rei moved around the table and, with his ginger touch, held the Pokémon in place. He nodded to her, supporting her and pushing her on with what she did best. Careful not to miss, Akari helped feed the mashed Rawst Berry before she sat back and waited.

After a moment, the Pokémon coughed, his fever going down as he opened his eyes. "Osha...?"

"Oh, you're okay! I'm so glad!" Akari launched herself at the Oshawott, hugging him tight. He looked scared at first, disoriented by his new surroundings, but soon relaxed as he felt her softness.

"Akari, don't strangle the poor Pokémon!" Rei shouted, but she merely laughed in response. Oshawott turned his head, catching sight of Rei, as well, and smiling. He chuckled, too, seeing how close the two were after only a moment. "Guess it's one more thing to protect and learn about."

"Yeah! Me, you and our Pokémon, making a big, bright future for the village together!"

"Oshasha!" Their cries of jubilation stretched even to the front of the restaurant, drawing good-natured laughs, and a dream for the future that couldn't be extinguished, even as time raced forward. From Rei's training with the guard, to instructing her and Oshawott on their off-days. Even to those times they could just sit on the river, listening to its waters rush by.

That sound grew louder and louder, even as time was yanked in an inexorable reel of images, speeding through lightning and flames until the bright light assailed her eyes. Akari groaned.

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