Vampire Raph

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Louisa's p.o.v

He twitched for a quick second before it looks like he's starting to turn back to Vulko, though a quick swift sound got my attention. My eyes widen as I let go of the chain and use my vampire speed to run around real quick. Looking at the front of the wagon I see no one there and there's just no sign of Raph anywhere. Realization hit as I run back towards the chain and act like I didn't leave this spot. Vulko drops to his knees while groaning, his shorts looking a bit torn from when he got that big and stuff.

Esmeralda runs over to him saying "papa! Papa, you're back" and she hugs him before Vulko tries to ask where he is. With this we let go of the chains and start trying to untangle him from them, but Esmeralda thanks Mikey. Basically saying that he's wise for knowing that silver can both harm or cure a werewolf. Mikey jumped down while dusting off his hands saying "that's right! According to ancient lore and the movie I saw. Booyakasha-na-na-na-nah!" April softly chuckles at that as I smile at his humor before the doors of the wagon flew open.

Mikey and Renet scream at that as bats flew out, Sam's eyes widen as she pushed Esmeralda down to the ground making me tense. 'What's happening!?' I think as the bats flew at both Sam and Vulko, making them both lift their arms up. They grunt a bit at the random creatures before Sam was somehow being pulled back by them. Now she's being held in a weird position before smoke emersed and cleared as we now see Dracula up there. "Good evening, my dear" he says towards Sam as she struggled within his hold.

All of us gasp before he shows his fangs with a big smile "oh yeah, has anyone else noticed the wagon looks familiar?.. oh, just me. Okay- IT WAS HIM THE WHOLE TIME!!" I yell angry as I glare forward at the stereotypical vampire. Donnie then says "man, I hope this symbol of protection thing is good for something." He holds out the weird looking staff thing before Dracula says "you'll have to have faith for that to work on me, goblin." Sam growled as Dracula made his fangs so much bigger than they were and his skin turned pasty white.

He was about to bite down on her neck before she softly smirked and looked like she powered up, causing him to scream as he smoked up a bit. He let go of her which made her jump forward and powered down while sticking by our side. Esmeralda gave her a soft thanks before Leo aimed his shooter at Dracula while he was still in pain. Once he had a good shot he let the stake fly towards Dracula while he was down- just for it to get grabbed. My eyes widen as my jaw dropped, I was able to see what just flew by... and it wasn't any random creature.

Casey took a small step back "oh no, bro..." he mumbles as I felt my tail go limp and drop as everyone is able to see Raph. His eyes are shining blue as he has the stake in his mouth, he's smirking before tightening his bite. The stake kinda broke before he spat it out while still smirking at us, my face felt a bit warm. Smoke emersed out of nowhere again and now they're both bats as Raph kinda... screes while flying away. "I'm sorry, can we just talk about how cool that was?" I ask while pointing forward at what just happened.
(A/n... DexxyDix24 you might wanna see this, I has picture for you 😂)

Sam hit me in the forehead before we're running in the castle "Raphael!!" Leo yells out as we run, after a bit we found

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Sam hit me in the forehead before we're running in the castle "Raphael!!" Leo yells out as we run, after a bit we found.. I don't know what. April was the one who led us here as she used her powers to detect where Dracula and Vampire Raph went. She opened a door saying "they're down here, downstairs in the crypt" I have no idea what that is. Mikey sounded scared though as he says "uh, crypt?.." Casey starts softly groaning as he grabs his head. I look back at him worried and realize that Dracula might be trying to take control of him again.

Grabbing his hand I power up in hopes that will help- it did and he's softly panting before looking at me and nodding once. With that we're both walking down the stairs to catch up with the group 'okay, can still help if I have contact with someone while powered up. Noted-' once we got to the bottom of the stairs the candles randomly lit up causing us to flinch softly. Everyone was a bit shocked at the random light, but he kept walking anyways to find Raph or Savanti. Not really much of a few steps later we hear a loud stomp and we look back to see Savanti right there.

He's smirking as he has his arms crossed saying "so glad you could join us" Renet speaks up with "Savanti, give it up. Your plan is never gonna work!" April steps up saying "it's over! Finished!!" Savanti didn't lose his smirk. His response was "finished, am I? Indeed, almost finished with my preparations.. to destroy the future as you know it." Then he opens up his arms saying "meet my allies!" By him fly two bats before smoke came and we see it's Dracula and Raph. The guys, April and Casey gasp before the mummy comes out of nowhere causing us to take a few steps back.

The mummy lifts up his scepter and hits it on the ground, Casey and I stood our ground as Renet used her scepter to stand her ground. Everyone else was sent flying- pretty sure in separate teams- so we look back to see who was where. Then we look back up at Savanti as he laughs, though he tried to use his fire breath to hurt us. I stand in front of Casey while still holding his hand before making an unmeltable ice-shield. Renet shoots a few things their way before I melt my shield and mumble "we have to help the guys, trust me."


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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