Raph's Back!

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Louisa's p.o.v

Casey looks at me and nods once "goongala, baby" he says a bit sly before we both run down to where they are, but I stop him for a split second. "I might be able to get to Raph, but you'll have to keep an eye on my body... think you can do that, Jones?" I ask him. He chuckles softly saying "I got your back, Weeza" with that I try to turn into a bat- which worked. Casey growls softly as he looks like he's losing control before I sit myself on his shoulder and let my feet grip onto his shirt. Powering up he starts panting a bit before looking at me, so I say "I'm pretty sure if I use my powers while keeping contact you'll be fine."

That was the last thing I said to him before trying to think of Raph to help him, I scream a bit as it hurt- he was a bit more powerful than me or Casey. I had to concentrate on him alone, though I still got to hear what was happening around us. "Give me Michelangelo, I vant to suck his blood!" Raph yells out with a different accent. Mikey screams before saying "no one's sucking me! No way, no how!" Sam softly chuckled "stereotype vamps. Can't even talk normally!" Dracula then says "you tried to destroy me, green demons."

Sam and Casey softly growl as I had to power up more to try and get to Raph- which honestly HURT- "now you will suffer!" Dracula finished. Dracula hissed before Leo grunted and Sam screamed softly, so I can only assume they're fighting him. At least trying to fight him, next thing I know Mikey screams before I hear a metal sounding clank. Dracula then says "too slow" and Donnie grunts a bit as I hear a few thuds, so anger fills me up. 'Is that how that even works if my soul isn't even in my body?' I think confused as I felt myself getting closer to Raph.

Donnie groans a bit before Mikey does and Sam does a bit of a battle cry "join us, Michelangelo" Raph's voice echoed around for me. Probably because I'm trying to get into his head I hear him clearer than everyone else. Mikey made a scared sound before Raph says "join us and drink deep" Raph says... kinda hungrily. 'Raphael, you do not need blood... you are a ninja turtle!!' I think as I try to get through to him. "Get out of my head, Louisa!!" Raph yelled angrily, so I felt a bit pushed back as I still try to get to him.

Now I hear Mikey panting a bit before a few soft thuds before it sounds like he fell onto... something, it was quiet for a split second. Then he starts freaking out before Raph hissed and it sounds like he emerged from somewhere. Mikey screams a bit before I realize he's still right by Raph, so he's scared he's gonna get turned. Vampire Raph is trying to hurt Mikey- I growl as I power up more out of anger and finally feel myself in a body. I scream in pain before feeling myself fall on a bunch of hard things and power up while in the body.

Panting a bit I growl and grab my head "M-Mikey!.. it's o-o-okay, your sister.. ha-has your back" I say as I open my eyes and look at him. He tilts his head before softly gasping "dudette! You did it!!" Then he hugs me before standing up. I stand up and fly us out of.. wherever we are "we gotta go help the guys, I bet Casey could be struggling. With Dracula it's hard for him to remain in control" with that we run and try to find the gang. Casey was sitting against the wall while grabbing his head, basically hissing as the bat screeched a bit.

Mikey gasps before I run over and switch me and Raph back to ourselves, then I change to my human self, groaning I feel so drained. Barely I power up and lay on both of the guys' laps, they're panting before Raph gasped. "Shorty... you saved me!!" Then he helped me sit up and lean my head against his shoulder. My legs are still on Casey's as I softly chuckle "n..no problem, Raphie" I barely say which made the two look at me shocked. Casey grabbed my hand before standing up, both him and Raph wrap one of my arms around their shoulders.

I stay powered up as they basically stick behind Donnie and Mikey, Donnie is having his scepter up while looking like he's distancing himself from him. "Alright!" Donnie says happily before I say "you said it, Don Don!" He looks back before gasping. Then he smiles bigger saying "you did it!! You got Raph back" I nod as I give finger guns. Dracula's eyes widen as he glares at me saying "what!? That's impossible!!" Casey does his little smug sound. Mikey then points at Dracula saying "nothing's impossible for Louisa the ice-elemental, babei!!" Raph chuckles at this.

The guys are still having to fight Dracula- or at least try to- as I barely make ice-armor for all three of us since we can't really fight like this. That's when the sound of something growling got our attention, so we look around a bit confused. Focusing my energy on listening I can hear that it's Vulko transformed, so I gasp as I know he's gonna drop down. "Donnie!" Casey yells out, Donnie looked back confused before the werewolf drops down. Then he hits Donnie and he flew back "Donnie!!" I yell out worried for him, but I can't really do anything.

"Let's take him down!" Raph says to us, so me and Casey share a look with him before nodding once and the two run while still holding me. They jump while holding their right leg out to kick the werewolf, so I do the same to try and help. We all kick him away before he could grab Leo, then he growls while looking at us. Next thing you know is he grabs Raph which made me tighten my grip on both him and Casey. We're swung around until he hits us against a wall and we got thrown into all of Mikey, Leo and Sam.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


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