Chapter One

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Khet: A fictional city I created, more like plotted, at the mid point of Lampang and Thani.


Ten years later.

Sitting in the exquisite carriage from inside and out, Tay felt how far he'd come.

From those toiling days, after the invasion happened and he was left with almost nothing, to having everything.

Lavish and luxury, all at his feet.

As the carriage ran on the bumpy road, he drifted away in his thoughts,

They were known as the black hoods back in the day.

And the black hoods were famous for robbery, kidnapping and in a desperate hunger to make their pack bigger.

The time of the eighth morning came back to his mind, when it all actually begun.

They had started when they were only seven people.

He remembered the ways he recruited young alphas, whether male or female, to join pack Vihokratana.

Some joined willingly,

Some did because they were afraid what would happen if they refused,

Some were forced. And he remembered it too vividly but he pushed it back in his mind.

He didn't want to have his mood changed right now.

And when someone really did refuse or try standing up to him, they beared the consequences of their actions.


Tay had, himself, slashed the throats of three head Alphas of small packs when they refused handing over the packs to him.

But when he arrived to "talk" to the leader of the Cheewagaroon pack, the man stroke up a deal instead,


"How about I work as your third in command or something?"

Tay cocked an eyebrow internally, his expression stoic. He smacked open his lips,

"Why would you do such thing for me?"

Tay's voice pierced through the distance between him and the other Alpha.

Harit scoffed, "Who is doing it for you?"

Tay's grip tightened around his dagger that he had his fingers around,

"Come on, Tawan, make it make sense. You're only one Alpha and you want to rule over Thailand? Impossible, you need to have people in charge of different places, who can report to you about the affairs of such areas."

Tay kept his gaze and expression trained at Harit, not allowing him to think that if Tay considered his offer.

Which, honestly, he did.

Then Joss, who was Tay's cousin and only family left, who had stood a little behind him, spoke in a soft murmur,

"He is right..."

But Tay had heard the words,

Tay blinked and then parted his lips again, "Pray tell why should I consider you trustworthy? You can betray me after I give you such position."

Half a moment passed between them before Harit chuckled,

"We both are fully aware of the fact that we don't trust each other, aren't we?"

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