Chapter Six

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When the rest of the family members arrived back at their house, they heard loud pacing coming from the first floor.

The house echoed with the slamming of drawers, of doors of the cupboard and the connected bathroom New and Irin shared.

The cloud of tension hung heavy in the whole house, all of them could feel even if they just stood at the entrance.

And then Songphon exhaled. The cloud turned slightly darker as the man gave one melancholic look towards the balcony then lowered his head, wrapping hands behind his back and started to head inside.

Irin saw that, for the first time, her uncle looked old with his shoulders sagged and tired with the way he walked as he stepped inside the said place.

Her concerned and anxious eyes then traveled to her father who met her gaze almost simultaneously. He as well looked down, looking rather ashamed for some reason, and followed his brother inside.

Then she looked at her mother like aunt, her dark brown eyes that her brother had inherited from her was a comfort to her in the heavy atmosphere of the house.

She smiled at her, although pretty slightly but she smiled at her and then gave her an encouraging to rid her hesitance of going upstairs.

Returning her smile the same way a moment later, she turned to look at the staircase and then at the balcony which opened into the house upstairs through a double door.

She inhaled and exhaled with her shoulders rising and setting. She then made her way upstairs. Although she went as slow as possible, she soon found herself standing in front of the door to her older brother's room.

Irin could still hear the angry loud pacing of her brother, probably either making an angry which he had never done before or packing...

While she was mustering up the will to knock as fidgeted with her left hand, her way of coping with her nervousness, she saw a paper sliding from underneath the door and stopping beside her feet.

Not wasting a moment, she picked it up,

Don't call me down for dinner. Leave me alone for a while. Yes, you too Irin.

But don't forget to meet me at dawn.

She blinked and looked up, her eyes landing at the door. The gears in her mind were turning as she tilted her head, her brows knitting.

She found a pen from the desk beside the door and scribbled her question down quickly.

Are you going to run away?

She slid it back in and the pacing suddenly stopped. She stood there, having her ear almost pressed to the door.

For a long moment, there was nothing.

So long that she was about to turn away when she heard the rustle of the paper behind the door. She pressed her ear to the door now.

Waiting to hear any other sound when from her peripheral vision, she saw the paper again sliding back out.

She quickly but quietly bent down and picked it up.


But I heard something about dawn... So I am guessing they might be leaving at dawn... And I'd have to as well...

The memory from more or less forty five minutes ago flooded back in her mind as she pressed shut her eyes.

She shuddered a little, the man she'd seen twice was no doubt handsome but now that she remembered her last "meeting" with him,

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