Chapter Nineteen

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DA note: Forgive me if I am throwing in nonsensical words, you'll know what I am talking about once you start reading the chapter, because this fiction is kinda set before technology became popular and a necessity.

And I am sorry that I am only releasing one chapter after taking a long while. I first fell sick and then periods hit me with worst cramps ever.

But I promise to come back with more updates soon!


"Did you never want to have someone? Like ever?"

A minute of silence and peaceful eating had passed between them when New had questioned innocently,

Tay pondered as his eyes wandered off the plate. Then he shook his head, refocusing the meal, "Not really."

"Not that I don't trust you but like never?"

"I was focusing on achieving other goals, so it never really occurred to me. And," Letting loose the spoon in his hand, he lifted his gaze, "That was before,"

He turned his eyes to New, who met his stare,

"I met you."

The eye contact was held for just a while longer before Tay refocused on eating again.

New was... Well... Flustered.

He looked away from Tay's direction, mind totally blank. So blank that he forgot to blink.

The alpha wasn't flirting, then why was he like this?

Or was he?

"Come on, finish your food, we have to do the dishes too."


The remaining food was packed and put into the cooler on the adjacent counter with the pantry.

New's emotions of surprise were dissolved once they both got to clean up.

Night had gotten slightly deeper but stars weren't visible for clouds stood guard of them.

"It looks like it might rain later tonight."

New said, peeking out of the now opened window above the sink and simultaneously scrubbing the wok. The distant sound of crickets was oddly calming and it reminded him of his home.

"I hope it doesn't. I really don't like rainy season. I hate it when it rains." Tay finished, never meeting New's eyes once and continuing to rinse soaped plates.

"Awe come on, don't be such a mood killer." New gave him a nudge from his left elbow as he looked back out again,

"I know rains usually symbolize with sadness and sorrow but if you look at it from another perspective, they can be romantic."

Tay frowned at New, "Barely half an hour ago you just said you weren't romantic."

"I am not but I may have read a few cheesy romantic comedy novels my sister has."

"You read novels?"

"Not necessarily. Only when I really don't have to do anything. And now that I look back let me tell you I forgot one detail to mention from the earth conversation."

Tay glanced at New as he continued, "The description the writer gave of the nangaek and the praaek falling in love with each other, I couldn't relate to it. Not even from afar."

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