Chapter Two

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"When will he arrive?"

The beta of pack Techaapaikhun, or simply known as Seksan, gritted out through his teeth, he was furious and he knew the head alpha was to.

They were currently in the east wing of motel Moonshine, where arrangements were made for their arrival and stay.

This specific area of the motel was designated for political meetings, such as this one, that was actually going to take place hours ago but the head alpha of pack Vihokratana, whom Songphon, the leader of Techaapaikhun, had invited with such humbleness, was no where to be seen.

The alpha was seated in a single seat sofa situated in a corner with a glass of double scotch in his right hand. Right now, he was slowly twirling it in his hand without acknowledging, his wrinkled features were set in a grim expression.

"He will be arriving here any moment, Khun Seksan." March said in a polite manner,

Songphon snapped his gaze at March, "You said that an hour ago, Beta March, and the hour before that too."

He growled with disdain, especially barking at his secondary gender. March just looked back at the man with patience. He was long used to dealing with alphas who were bad tempered.

The alpha went back to blanking staring fir March had not answered his question. He then silently inhaled and exhaled, taking his eyes away and gazing out from the window, he hoped and prayed that the asked about alpha showed up any moment now.

What more could he do than hope and pray?

His focus shifted when a gush of wind, from the open window, grazed his cheek. It was the last hour of afternoon, he noticed.

The room was lit up by sunlight coming in from the large window. The room or dining area looked and was warm in terms of color tones.

The paint on the wall was divided by a wooden wall trim. The upper half was a dark yellow whereas the lower half was the same dark brown as the border.

The furniture, besides the big dining table, the room had were dark golden brown in color. The last afternoon light filtering in only made it glow. He could see the dust particles dancing over them.

In the centre of the room and over a centrepiece light brown rug, there was an aforementioned heavy oakwood dining table with eight seats around it, over it was a long white table cloth with a feast laid out for the guests that had long gone cold.

There were gas lamps on the wall and the flooring of the room was marble that in resemblance was a lot like wood.

There were some murals in the big room too, one showed a mountainous scenery, another showed a sunset scenery with birds flying, another was an abstract painting of a woman and lastly there was a mosaic of white pigeons framed and hung adjacent to the window that gave in light.

It had only been half a moment since beta Seksan had asked for his leader when the door burst open, they all snapped their heads in the said direction.

March straightened from resting his back against the wall, finally feeling relieved to see the alpha was here.

The beta saw his leader's eyes first land on him as he stood nearby the door,

And then travel to the alpha who had stood up from where he was sitting in a corner.

"Alpha," March started, "This is alpha-"

Tay raised a hand and March sealed his lips. His eyes were on the other alpha as he said, taking his hand down in the process,

"No need for introductions, March, he knows me. After all, in that invitation he'd sent me, I was referred to by my full name and pack affiliation, wasn't I?"

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