Chapter Eighteen

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DA note: I am not Thai but I am Asian, I know my rice and I know how to cook it XD. And also I acknowledge the fact that people of different regions/countries cook their rice differently but I am incorporating what I know and I am lazy to take an online cooking class...


By now, the evening had almost set into night as Tay looked out from the window situated above the sink.

The clouds were steadily passing, looking a soft brown, and from in between the spaces, he could see the sky had turned a darker blue shade now.

They had lit up a few lanterns, when it got really dark, and placed them here and there to have light while they cook.

Listening to the crickets creaking in the distance, he then refocused on the task he was given.

Washing rice.

A soft curl had graced the corners of his lips as he moved his hand in the water, feeling the rice floating around.

Last time he'd done this... He couldn't remember... Was it fifteen years ago?

"Are the rice washed? I am done grinding the spices."

Tay nodded and tilted the pot to let the water flow. Then he filled it again till it reached the first joint of his finger.

Turning off the tap, he brought it over to the stove and turned on the heat as New, who was about to start directing him, stood there watching the alpha who worked without directions.

He took the salt and added one small scoop. Then proceeded to add oil about two tablespoons.

New half smirked, "And someone here said that they didn't know how to cook."

Tay put back the oil flask and set down the spoon as he turned his face to New, "I didn't say that."

That half a smirk comically flattened in such a way that Tay couldn't help his own chuckle from bursting.

"Actually, I just know how to make rice."

He took a short pause, contemplating if he should say it. Then he thought of what New had let him in on, so he started,

"I remember I had begged my mother to let me help her in the kitchen and finally one day, giving in to my stubbornness, she let me tag along. Then told me to watch carefully. I saw her washing the soaked rice as she told me to let the rice soak for half an hour before I wash and cook them.

"Then she helped me turn on the stove. And then directed me to add the salt and oil to the rice. And to stir time and time again if I don't want the rice to stick together."

Tay picked up the same tablespoon from which he had poured the oil and stirred back and forth once in the now boiling rice.

"How old would you be then?"

He hummed looking up and out the window, "Maybe... Eight, nine or ten years old." He moved his eyes to New, "I don't remember exactly."

"And was this," New waved his finger over the boiling rice, "A one time experience?"

"Are you asking about learning or cooking?"


"My mom taught me only once but I have cooked rice more than five times at least."

"Really? I don't believe you."

"And why is that?"

"You don't remember our conversations of merely hours ago, how can you remember the steps to cook rice when you were that young?"

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