Chapter Fourteen

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"Lastly, we have the Bangkok Training School."

They stood in a large cavity in between the houses that looked over to the school that stood with grandeur.

Looking at the high walled boundaries and the metal gates with a wolf logo on it, New was reminded of his own school days.

"If I happen to move here, I'll surely apply for the PE teacher job."

Tay turned his face to him, seeing the corner of New's lips turning up and gazing at the place with a look of adoration, "Back home, I am one of the best PE teachers the training school of Khet has."

Just as the words left his lips, the look on his face slightly changed. His eyes peeled off from the school then as he choked out, "Was."

He met Tay's gaze then, trying to look like it didn't affect him much, "I think by now my father would have handed in the resignation in my stead."

He shrugged as he walked past Tay, who whirled with him, keeping his gaze steady at New,

A feeling overwhelmed him for a full moment, as he still kept his eyes at his distancing back, it was a sense of relatability.

He couldn't figure why as, "Is there anything left to show me?"

New had stopped and spun around, asking a little loud for there was a short distance between them now.

Tay then started walking as he said, averting his gaze, "Not really."

"Are you sure?" Tay halted in his steps, beside the man. Looking over to New, who looked like he anticipated something.

"What are you trying to say?"

"I heard Bangkok's a coastal area."

"Who told you that?" He turned to him fully,

"Not anyone in specific," New started walking again as Tay followed with grace, "But I heard time and time again."

Tay shook his head as he looked forwards, "There is a coast but Bangkok doesn't have one. It is at an almost three hours walk from my residence."

"What if," Tay spun just in time as he met New's eyes, who was two steps behind,

"We run?"


Standing at the beach with his feet sunk in the sand and footwear lying just a few footsteps behind him, he gazed over at the waves that flowed up to the shore and wondered,

How did New persuade him to bring him here?

He tilted his head a little as he recalled the events. New had said,

"What if we run?"

As he had looked him in the eyes.

And then, he remembered seeing New's nose scrunching up as he had sweetly added, "Na?"

It's a blurry memory afterwards really.

But he did remember bits and pieces of reaching and taking a detour about his residence and then having led him the way after they'd shifted into their wolf forms and started running, covering the almost three hours trail in more or less one hour.

He was sorting his thoughts in his mind again and again as he had never felt like this before!

If this was what confusion felt like-

He was brought out of his reverie when through the corner of his eyes, New caught his attention. The man was slowly marching forwards as Tay stood there, watching him.

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