Awakening Part 1 & 2

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Iris POV

It's been 6 years since my parents die in a plane crash and my foster Mom been busy being a action TV star 'The Packs' but I drop by the studio sometime to visit or bring dinner and a change of clean clothes to her if she staying late and I been keeping up my study's at school right now school just got out for the summer, so I went to the book store to get another of Shakespeare books and then I went home to one of the apartments top floor to cook dinner for Me and Mom, then I got a call from Mom say she be home late so i put her food in the fridge for her to have some later then I went to bed early but lately I been having strange dreams this past week, then I fell asleep and then the dream began.

In her dream 

~Scotland, 994 A.D

I look out of the tower window and see the castle Is under attack by a band of Vikings. The catapults hurl huge boulders into the battlements and the castle's defense is failing.

Then I heard "stand fast! We can hold them back!" The captain said while encouraged his man as they fought.

Aye, and catch bouders with our teeth while were about it." One of the solders disagreed. 

"It's your choice then me lads. The Catapult," Then The Captain draws his sword. "or Me, Back to your posts," the two solders rush back to their post, "In a few more minutes the sun will be down," then I saw him glances up at the Gargoyles statues perched on the tower, "And then we'll have some fun." He then walk away back to his post.

I was still looking at the Gargoyles Statues while getting a feeling that their not normal Statues then I heard someone voice, "There you  are I been looking everywhere for you."

I look to my right to see a man but some how he important to me.

"Master Magus, I'm sorry to worry you I was checking on the battle sir

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"Master Magus, I'm sorry to worry you I was checking on the battle sir." the other me said

"I understand Crystal, but I need you to help heal the Solders right now." said Magus

I look back at the Statues and said, "it's almost time for them to wake up Master those Vikings don't know what's in for them once night fall hits." after I said that I start heading out to help the solders and the villagers once I got there I put up a strong barrier around the villagers after I was done it was already night time, then it happen all of the statues started to crack one by one the statues were actually real live Gargoyles

" after I said that I start heading out to help the solders and the villagers once I got there I put up a strong barrier around the villagers after I was done it was already night time, then it happen all of the statues started to crack one by one...

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