Shadow X

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Name: Shadow X


Birth date: October 31st 1979 at 10:00pm

Bio: shadow is the younger twin but he act like the older twin since Sonic act like the younger twin which in truth he the oldest, shadow sometime yell at his older brother to do thing which he suppose to do shadow has a bad habit of saying thing he didn't mean on what's on his mind which make everyone think a mean bad boy (which the girls likes the bad boy act) in reality he a caring person if he wants to be, but he hope one day him and his brother will find out of what happen to their parents and why.

Personality: cool, smart, brave, can being stubborn and silent sometime. 

Hates: Embarrassed, being out smart, admit, being call an EMO, Fan girls and seeing one he cares getting hurts.

Likes: all class subjects, his big brother, strong girls (a.k.a Iris), his friend Windy and spending alone time with his crush.

Hobbies: Karate, kendo, judo, skate boarding, playing the guitar.

1st outfit

2nd outfit:

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5th outfit:

5th outfit:

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2023 ⏰

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