The Thrill of the Hunt

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Iris POV

It's been a week since Xanatos was arrested for stolen my companies disks and that's not all I been practicing magic bit by bit but still trying plus I haven't told mom aka fox about anything she wouldn't believe me anyway, ever since I found Crystal's necklace I been hanging out with the Gargoyles and Elisa.

Right now I'm in the middle practicing of casting a summoning spell I try casting it seven time but fail so this is my eighth try I was about cast again but suddenly the phone starting to rang, 'I guess I could use a break also it's almost time to see the guys anyway.' I thought as I walk towards the phone and pick it up and answer it.

"hello." I said.

"hey Iris this is Dingo." Dingo said.

"hi Dingo you need something." I said

"No not today but your mom ask me to tell you that she won't be home until morning tomorrow cuz we're doing it live at Madison Square Garden tonight." Dingo said.

"okay first that doesn't surprise me and second doing it live pretty big deal, I'll drop off some food for her to have later, I'll see you later Dingo and tell the others I said Hi." I said.

"alright bye Iris." Dingo said.

"Bye Dingo." I said as I hang up the phone

I started to get ready to leave the Apartment with food as I lockup I walk toward the exit and once I got outside I saw Elisa waiting for me inside the car, as I walk toward the car and get inside she started the car and drive off along the way she was kindly to drop me off at the studio where my mom so I can give her her meal after I did that I left the studio heads toward the car get inside and we left and towards where are friends are

Once we got to the building and went inside we were greeted by Owen and lead us to the elevator and once we enter we ride it up to the very top which it's a pain when the elevator stop it open and we walk out.

"have to you tell Mr. Burnett we're still surprise being asked back here seeing after we busted your boss." Elisa said

"Mr. Xanatos is not the sort to harbor a grudge Detective Maza same too you Ms. Renard and he wouldn't dream of denying of seeing your friends." Owen said.

As we continued walking up the stairs once we reach the top of the tower we see our friends in stone statues Still but it won't be long now since is already dusk as we wait for everyone to wake up we heard the statues started cracked we step back a bit.  

'I never getting tired of seeing this

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'I never getting tired of seeing this.' I thought.

as they brake out of their stone slumber, "if you'll excuse me." Owen said he walk away from us, me and Elisa look at Owen as he left then we turn back at everyone at the same time Goliath jump off he pose and greet us.

"Elisa and Iris what a pleasant site to greet us as we awaken," Goliath Said.

"well it's a slow night and we're were in the neighborhood." Elisa said as I patting Bronx's head

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