Sonic X

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Name: Sonic X 

Age: 15

Birth date: October 31st 1979 at 9:50pm

Bio: Sonic and his twin Little brother were abandon by their Parents when they were just six months old they were found in front of an Orphanage building, Sonic and his little brother don't know what happen to them they think their dead, but every year on their birthday they receive their birthday gifts with no name or return address it was very strange.

Personality: funny, being cool sometime, brave and being smart sometime.

Likes: running, skate boarding, doing reckless stunts, snow boarding, snowball fight, biology, PE, his little bro, his friend Iris and Windy.

Hates: Fan girls, losing, seeing People getting hurt, swimming.

Hobbies: Magic, stunts, play the bass Guitar, Skate boarding, snow boarding.

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