Awakening Part 3,4 & 5

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Iris POV

After the crazy explosions from above all the news company started reviewing the scene and the victims but I did try to hide from the news reporters but fail and to make thing worse one of the reporter recognize me as Janine Renard's daughter a.k.a 'Fox',  before they ask anything the ambulance came and check one everyone including me to see if we have any injuries.

Once they done I look at the time I wish I can go inside the building but not right now there's to many people here so I went back home and once I open my apartment home My mom was there sleeping on the couch.

'she must be very tried from the studio shooting' I thought

I went to get her a blanket so she won't catch a cold once I got the blanket I cover her up and went to my room to go to back to sleep before I fall a sleep I still wondering what was going on in that building but whatever happening up there it can't be good then I fall a sleep.

~the next day~

I over slept until 3 in the evening I woke up got dress I see a note on the table from mom saying 'dear Iris I won't be back home in 4 days I already went shopping so cook whatever you, be home safe and don't stay up late like last night love you from Mom. P.S once I get back home there something I need to tell you.'

After I done read the note I started cooking something to eat since I miss breakfast and lunch then I pack myself a lunch putting in my bag and decided for a walk to central park then I lock up and started my once I was outside it was already night time.

On my way to central park I saw two couple having car trouble along some thugs try to rob them when I was about to call the police, Then I notice someone or something just pass by now and heard a familiar Voice from yesterday and said "Aren't you boys late for your 4H club meeting?" while coming from the aly.

'Maza? where did she come from?' I thought

"Man it's just getting better don it?" after thug #1 said him and his pal walk towards Maza.

"police." Maza said while pulling out her police badge with a smug look.

"police huh? we're very Impressed." thug #2 said

"I'm warning you guys." Maza said while backing up to the aly.

"your warning us." thug #3 said while him and his pal laugh at Maza.

"have it your way" After Maza said that she run back to the aly where she come from along then the thugs started chasing after her.

then the man from early walk towards the aly way then I started  to heard growling sound from that aly way where Maza is, I got worry and walk toward the aly to see what going on before I got close to the aly way the started to get scare and said, "S-s-stay back, Margo run!" 

I got out of the way while they run away from something once they gone I continue to walk towards the aly and once I got close to the aly I poke my head out a little and said, "hello is anyone there? Maza?"  

then I enter the aly, "Detective hello?" I said while walking and looking around the aly then I stop and I see the thugs on the ground pass out then I heard the same growl early I got tense up and started to walking back slowly.

"Maybe it's just a dog, Yeah a dog, a nice friendly dog-" before I could finish my sentence I heard a thump sound from behind me then something breathing down my neck I began to turning my head slowly and once I look what's behind I was dead shocked I turn around fully to face the one and only Gargoyle Goliath himself in the flash.

I lost my balance and was a about fall on the ground but his grab in time and held me in his arm when we at each other closely he eyes widen. 

"Crystal is it you? no you can't be her, she dead, who are you?" Goliath said 

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