Windy Cross

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Name: Windy Cross

Age: 14

Birth Date: March 17th 1980

Looks: long scarlet hair down to her hip but some putting in pony tail or braid her hair

Bio: Windy lives with her Parents it may seem a nice happy Family to everyone on the outside but on the inside their not a happy Family, her Parents started fighting at the age of 7 they been like that for 7 years but sometime her Mom or Dad take anger out on her and hit her leaving bruises, but when she at the edge of killing herself during middle school in 6th grade she meet Iris and thanks to her be coming Windy feels happy first time, but one day she wish that her parents get what they derive 

Personality: funny, nice, smart, Brave, can be scary when she is mad.

LIkes: drawing, shopping, cooking, baking, her friends, Math, Autumn, Spring, archery, Gymnastic, dancing and Sonic.

Hates: her Parents, winter, bully's, Jerks.

Hobbies: ice skating, archery, Tennis, Magic, playing the drums.

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