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Iris POV

It's been two mouths since wolf and my Mom were sent to prison and I haven't forgive her for what she did to Goliath and Lexington, it will take some time to trust her again at the moment I been kept up my training skills and magic casting is a bit tricky and this is the most trickiest spell I have to learn...and that is....the floating spell.

"aghhhhhh~ why can't get it right?!?!?!?" I yell while falling on the mat backwards, I been trying to casts this for two weeks now and so for I fail terribly the only hint Lexington told me a week ago when I ask him some pointers was 'Don't think anything, just clear your mind, let the wind free your spirit it what he said that easier said and done.

I look at the clock on the and shows 9:00pm I tell the guys yesterday night I won't be able to see them since school is starting back up tomorrow but only weekends and holidays that I'm able to see them and it happen to my first day in high school lucky me and when I mean lucky I mean unlucky.

I went to my room to get my PJ on so I can get to bed and wake up for school tomorrow after I got in bed for some reason I got a really bad feeling something going to happen to the Gargoyles especially with Goliath and Brooklyn then I fell asleep.

~few hours later~

I heard a knocking sound coming from the my balcony window at first I thought I was hearing thing so I went back to sleep but I was wrong when I heard the second time but a bit loud so I got out of bed, put my rob on and went to my balcony window to see who's knocking my balcony window at this hour.

Once I got there I opening my curtains and see Brooklyn standing there in front of my balcony window, "brook what are doing here?"I ask. "sorry I woke you Iris can I come in it won't take long?" after brook said that I opening my balcony door to let Brooklyn in after I let him walk in my apartment I close the door behind him and turn around to face him.

"Did something happen brook?" I ask 

"I saw Demona." Brook said.

"What you saw Demona?! did she do anything to you!?" I ask while being worried.

"No she didn't do anything she just want to have a little talk that all." Brook said

"what did you two talk about?" I ask.

Brook started explaining what Demona show him about us humans what she saying isn't wrong there are some who don't get alone, some do wrong thing and some fight on thing they don't agreed on something but there that's only half truth there are some people trying do the right things.

"I should head to the back the castle before day breaks" Brook said while heading toward balcony door.

"brook wait." brook turns around to look at me "just be careful around Demona she might be up to something bad." after I said that brook  just nodes his head then turn back the balcony door, opening it then glide away into the night, i got up went to the balcony door, close it and lock the balcony door then went to back to my room to go back to sleep.

I was still worried of what Demona said to Brook I know she up to some I just know it, I toke My rob off then I got into bed and then fell asleep.

~time skip~

I heard my alarm clock going off I shut it off, get out of bed ,change out of my PJ and into my daily outfit, ate toast and then lock the door up then left the apartment to go to school once I got outside of the apartment I stop and I see a limo park right in front of the apartment building and standing in front of the limo is Owen Burnett.

"Good morning Ms. Renard." Owen greetings

"why are you here Mr. Burnett and how do you know where I live?" I ask 

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