Deadly Force

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Iris's POV

It's been over A month since I move in the castle after the fight with Demona and I gain some new allies they also promise not to tell everyone in exchange first I explain everything, Second they allow to see the Gargoyles and finally Third I teach them Magic after school which I agreed all three of them.

Right now it's Friday and we got out of school so Me and Windy are for the X twin to get done with after school practice, Owen did say he will be late picking us up he had some business at the docks. then we heard and turn to see Shadow Yelled at he brother while those two are running for their lifes

"You just to sneeze that load?!" Shadow yelled as he and sonic ran towards us.

"hey you know I can't help it!?" Sonic yelled while ran towards us as well

"why are they running?" Windy asked while be confuse

Just then Me and Windy feel Vibration then we look back at the X twin and we see a big dust cloud behind them but we look closer and....we see....a stampede......of fan girls....coming towards us......uh oh.

"Windy run, run for your life!!" I yelled as I started to run away.

"wait for me Iris!!!" Windy yelled while ran right after me

"GAIN WAY!!!!!!" The X twin ran full speed fellow by the fans girls as they are closing right behind them.

while we run towards the school gate we saw a red car pull in front of the school gate then the car's door open and see Elisa in the car, "hurry get in!!!" Elisa yelled at us to hurry. then we jump in the car and close the car doors behind just as we did Elisa started driving the full speed away from the school and just in time before the fan girls reach us. as we drive away from we sign of relief.

"thanks Elisa your a life saver back there." Sonic said in the back along with Shadow and Windy

"yeah thanks Elisa we would of be flat like pancakes by now." Windy said

"it's no problem Owen ask me to get you guys when he was at the police station." Elisa said

"why is he there did some happen?" Shadow said

"Apparently some Xanatos's cargo were stolen by Dracon and his man at the docks this afternoon."

"Who Dracon?" Sonic asked

"I heard of Dracon from My grandfather his runs an underground gang stealing goods and sale them on the streets for a good price and the downside for the police he doesn't leave any evidence that leads to him." I said

"ouch that's suck." Windy said

"So in other words he untouchable." Shadow said.

"Sadly yes he is." Elisa

"so question what in those cargo that Dracon wants so bad to steal them?"Sonic asked

"what he stole was non projectile prototypes." Elisa answers.

"non pro-what-iles?" Sonic asked with a confuse face.

"non projectiles their basically like laser guns but more dangerous." I answer

"okay the bigger question is how many were stolen" Windy asked with a worried look.

" you guys may not like this but they stole 322 of them in different size and range." Elisa answer which give us a very big shock on our faces.

Once were arrive at my place we got out of Elisa's car we thank her and she drove off, then we headed inside the build then we waited the elevator to come the we a ding and the elevator door open and we went inside then the door closes I press our floor button and then the elevator started to go up.

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