Chapter 23 | Cavalry battle

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Midnight is prepping the crowd for the next event. The spinning wheel is back. “Now then, here is the second game.” the 42 who made it past the first part is staring intently at the monitor awaiting their doom. The obstacle course had luckily been perfect for your earth quirk but you had doubts it would stay that way.

The flashing stops and the next game is CAVALRY BATTLE. You have no idea what this means. The people around you seem to be more in the loop. Denki beside you says “I’m bad at those” making you feel even more at a disadvantage.

Thankfully the R-rated hero turns to the screen getting ready to explain the setup. “The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish” Would make sense to test the teamwork abilities of the contestants. But who to form a team with. Glancing over her shoulder at the students she continues. “It’s basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that’s different it… based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value.”

Biting your lip you know this is bad news for the top person who will be having the most points to lose. Accumulating each teams points if they can keep them might just be enough for the people who finished later to still be in the running. This makes the forming of the teams a crucial choice. You need good versatile quirks, teamwork and a good baseline of points.

“Yes, that’s right! And the points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom” five points difference doesn't sound that bad. “The point value assigned to the first place is ten million”. And there is the punchline. Izuku is the main target for everyone. Poor lad.

Turning to look at him just like everyone else you see him scared and sweating profusely. Every single pair of eyes are looking at him hungrily. Just his single point value is a one way ticket to the next round. The question now is if you should be going for that like everyone else or do things differently.

“Let’s get into the specific rules for this battle.” midnights whip is pointing to the screen. “The time limit is fifteen minutes. Each team is worth the total of its members’ points, and the riders will wear a headband with that number on their foreheads.” seems simple enough but there are so many unknown factors. Many of the students are unknown and so are their quirks.

“Teams will try to grab each other’s headbands until the time runs out, and try to keep as many points as they can.” the pro hero continues. “Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. The more you steal the harder it will be to manage them. And the most important thing is that even if your headband gets stolen, or if your team falls, you’re not out!”

The field is going to be filled for the entire 15 minutes making it an intense battle. “During the game, it will be a cruel fight where you can use your quirks” that is a given where is the twist. “That being said, it is still a cavalry battle. You’ll get a red card for attacks that are trying to make people fall on purpose! You’ll be removed immediately!”

The screen changes to a countdown. 15:00 in large numbers tells you that this amount to find a team and come up with a plan. Looking around you try to figure out the best options you have available.

Todoroki is in deep conversation with Denki, Momo and Iida. So much for hoping he would have a spot on his team for you. Not sure it would be the best idea anyway with the way he has been acting. Your teamwork would before not have been in question. Always having each other's back. Now though he is playing a lone wolf kinda game.

He is out of the question, having already found the team he thinks can win this. Grabbing at your chin you turn around to look at the other options. Thinking of solo players. You try to find Bakugo. He is already surrounded but a bunch from A-1. Kirishima being the newest edition.

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