Chapter 30 | Simply victory

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Trying to hold back the shivers you get to your feet once more. “Good luck” Ochaco says with extra feeling as she knows what you’re about to face.

“Thanks” you smile at her. Your eyes trail over your classmate as they all offer you their well wishes and encouragements. You turn back and with each step down the stairs your smile fades. 

Just another opponent.

You assure yourself though you know it is a lie. You feel so torn and confused. You want to fight him. True, you always want to fight him both because he is an asshat but mostly for his smiles. This fight is different, it feels so serious. You had been training at full force for some days now but that's just not the same.

You wonder how he feels about it all. The last encounter you had with him felt different. Has he shot off all emotions and you're just another rival now?

The hall comes to an end and you stand there looking as the last ice is being removed. This time you will not be blinded by the light as you enter. You peek out, not letting the crowd or cameras see you as you take it all in one more time.

Your eyes are used to the light now but your ears are taking in so much more now. It might just be you but it sounds like the crowd is getting louder.

“Are you ready!?” a stone drops and the chills are in full force now. The crowd goes wild as a response. “He has shown you all he is not to be messed with. He is the one, the only…” the crowd dimmer down. “Katsuki Bakugo” and they erupt with more force.

You see him. He is all you see. And with that any shivers you had are completely gone and everything is silent again. The only sound you hear is the high haired announcer as your name plays over the speakers. A cocky smile turns your lips on one side up and you take the stapes into the light.

As any other time he only has eyes for you. He returns your smile with a cocky one of his own making. Both your breaths are steady. Holding your gaze he starts to talk. Though you know the crowd should make it impossible to hear you hear him as clearly as if he was a foot from you. “Let’s give them something to look at babe”.

There it was again, the endearment. Was he just trying to throw you off? That doesn't really matter. Still locked on him you proceed. “What is this” Mic says as you bend down. Calmly you unclasp your boots and slip out your bare feet. Placing the shoes just outside the boundaries you arise again. Katsuki knowing this means you are going in full force from the start widens his smile from cocky to battle mode. This only makes you more excited.

As the seconds tick by ever so slowly now you try to visualise your first moves. The talk you had with Kirishima comes to mind. Would you make this fast or go for dehydration? And then the words resonate with you “Let’s give them something to look at babe”. Dehydration for sure.
“Let the semi finals…” the countdown begins. “BEGIN”.

No explosion. No yells. Not a single attack goes off. You just stand there not taking your battle stand either of you. It gives away too much of your tactics. You chuckle.

Cocking a brow for a split second Bakugo is the first to attack. He shoots off a good size explosion testing the waters. You let it ripple towards you. Just at the last second you twitch your foot making a triangular pillar shoot up making the explosion split in two and thereby missing you but still letting you feel the heat.

You grip the pillar looking past it with one eye still smiling at your opponent. Digging in your fingers you turn this moment into two attacks at once. Sending a signal underground and crumbling the monument at the same time. The signal lands and crawls up Katsukis legs and ties to solidify there while you send off the smaller stones you made from the pillar out as a bullet storm.

Heatwaves (Katsuki Bakugo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now