Chapter 20 | Dinner is on

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Waking before the alarm rings again you get out of bed and slip into your running clothes. Might as well use the time well. Brushing your teeth and pulling back your hair you get ready to go out the door.

Running helps you relieve some of the tension and nerves about the dinner tonight and the events of tomorrow. Trying to push the thoughts away you focus on your breathing. The training yesterday had been intense. Still able to feel Bakugo's breath on you as he held you close against him. Feeling the earth under you and the wind against your face this is the most tranquil moments you get. Smelling spring on the air and zoning the world out you just run. Pushing any emotions away you just focus on the run.

As you turn the corner to reveal the entrance to the school the final stretch is before you and you pick up the pace. You rush a shower and put on your school uniform. Grabbing an apple and your bag, you make your way to class. Bakugo is once again waiting for you in front of the dorm. Butterflies immediately consume your insides. Jogging to him you smile.

The jitters are spreading throughout the school all in anticipation of tomorrow. Even the teachers are distracted and not much learning is going on. At lunch you for once sit with Jiro, Mina, Tsu and Hagakure. The invisible girl is shaking. It’s not visibility easy to tell but you feel it in the seat. “Toru? Are you nervous?” her hands are struggling to hold the utensils. 

“Ih! It is that obvious?” she shrikes.

“A bit” Mina holds up two fingers indicating a small amount. She smiles “You’re gonna do fine tomorrow. We all are!” she makes a fist and flex her arm “We’re heroes after all”

Jiro is remaining silent. She doesn't show it at all but you know she is on edge. Her quirk being more of a recon method she fears how she will perform in combat. The practice rounds during the hero course and the USJ she didn’t feel like her contributions were worth mentioning. From what Momo had said Jiro was skilled with a blade. Having seen her at USJ. You regret not getting to train with her too. Being caught up in Bakugo and yourself

“Even if we don’t place in the top we’re still gonna be excellent heroes. Not all heroes win battles with their muscles. Brain is just as important” you state Jiro catching your eye as she gives you a thankful look. You take not to ask her for some practice with blades. You never really did that and I might be a fun way to get closer to the girl. 

“Word!” Mina exclaims. “Still I’m gonna fight to win!” some acid drops from her fingers making a few patches on the table. “Ups” her cheeks redden. You all start laughing.

After lunch as you walk back to the classroom you’re stopped by Izuku. “y/n?” his smiling face is in front of you. “Do you have a moment?”

“Sure, what’s up?” you smile back at him. He always seems perfectly friendly so what about him has the two boys in your life on the edge. Standing in the hall outside the classroom you gesture to him to spill what he’s thinking.

“I was wondering about tomorrow. We’re all gonna try to get that top spot. We don’t know what they have planned for us.” he starts trailing off and mutter for a bit. You have no idea what he is getting at and you need to get him back on track. 

“You’re blundering off Midoriya?” you question and he snaps back. An embarrassed look on his face he gets back to what he really wanted to say.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is that you’re strong. You quirk is amazing and I know you’re gonna go far tomorrow.” He smiles scratching his neck. “Good luck!” making a fist of encouragement.

“Thanks Izuku” you say a bit puzzled. “You too!”

What is he getting at?

Something catches the boys eyes that makes him flinch.

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