Chapter 15 | Hurt

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The dinner at the Todoroki household is nice and quiet. Fuyumi is ecstatic to see you again. Giving you the biggest hug you ever had. She is without a doubt the most homey person in your life and your thankful for her hospitality. 

“You look amazing y/n! Todo said you had grown but you’re drop dead gorgeous” she says as she is holder both your hands in hers. “Come in! Dinner is almost ready” she pulls you in while Todo is giving you a soft smile as you jokingly mouth help. 

At the dinner table you discuss the different techniques you each used. “Do you like him?” the question is unexpected and you stop eating mid bite. The kind girl looks from Todo to you matching your puzzled look. It is very unlike Shoto who is normally very private and respectful of other people's business.  

Coughing slightly “ What?” you manage to get out. Toying to play it off.  

“Bakugo. Do you like him?” his tone does not change from the serious vide he has going.  

Fuyumi catching on gets up from her seat “we’re running out of..” she dosen’t finish the sentence but moves to the kitchen pretending to have something to do out there leaving you to the conversation at hand. 

“How..” you begin. 

He’s looking at his food as he continues. “I see the way you’re both looking at each other. There is something going on between you.” a slight indication of disappointment. 

For the second time today you put up your hands. “No.. well.. Yes, we’ve been training for the sports festival” there it is. You got it out into the opening that you didn’t heed his warning. It’s not like you’re not allowed to have other friends. Still sorry that you hadn't told him.

Todoroki is simply nodding at your reply. “About the sports festival. I’m gonna go for the top spot.” he says in a matter of fact tone. “I’m gonna win without using my father's quirk. Also I’ve been keeping an eye on Midoriya and something is off about that guy.” staring at him in disbelief he has made you speechless. 

Where is this coming from?

 “Todo..” you place a hand on his. “You’re my best friend. This side of you is scary. I know you’re trying to spite your father. But is it really worth it?” putting as much tenderness you can in the words. 

He takes your hand in his. “You’re my best friend too. Just hope we don’t have to fight in the tournament. I’m not gonna let you win again.” the tiny touch of affection lets you know he is not mad at you. The notion about Izuku is however still bugging you. 

“You…” he cuts off what you’re about to say. 

“You’re welcome by the way” you look at him bewildered. “Did you see Bakugo's face when I kissed your cheek. He definitely interested.” The immediate shift in tone from serious to full on acceptance is so unlike him. You brush it off as him trying to regain the friendly atmosphere. 

“Shut up!” You yell at him.

“Easy.. you’re already sounding more like him.” both of you laugh at that. Fuyumi reenters the room when she hears that the tension has been replaced with laughter. As it dies down again he says. “Sorry for all the gossip with the girls though. Didn’t really count that part in” That sounds so very much like Todo. In battle sure he is all on top of everything. Social interactions not very much. 

Giving him an evil smile that would make the hot head proud you say “I’m just gonna have to beat your ass again. YOU best hope we don’t have to fight at the festival!” replying to his earlier notion. You too are getting hyped for a top spot at the tournament.

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