Chapter 2 | So it begins

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"You really know how to make an entrance" Todo said in a dull tone but not unfriendly. You walked together towards the dining hall. After the bell had rung you walked to his seat and though he made no obvious signs of friendship, his eyes betrayed him, a subtle twinkle assured you that he was surprised but happy to see you. As you was to him. You had know he would be accepted into U.A. it had been one of the topics Endevour was most keen on throughout Shotos childhood. Even being in the top class was only natural for him.

Your smile wide "Aw stop, did you see everyone's faces." He made no reply or indication that he cared very much. You shrug as you continue "You know I had to exert some dominance on my first day. Plus this blond dude was acting all high and mighty, I thought I'd have some fun". Thinking back on the porcupine and his stare made you shiver you hope didn't show.

He stopped walking and looked at you seriously. "Do you really have that much of a deathwish? Stay away from that guy. He is not worth it". The protective brother in him shun through the facade.

You shake your head and pull Todos sleeve to make him pick up his feet again. "Don't go all big brother on me! I got this" You're getting hungry and really just want to get to lunch. "I cannot believe the teacher just brushed it off, and got on with the lesson" You continue with a small laugh to try and relieve the tension.

The two of you enter the crowded dining hall and get in line at the counter to get some food. Todo seems lost in his own thoughts after your conversation. You think back on the years you had been apart and contemplate what happened to him. He was always a serious child but he seemed somehow different now.

"I'll go get something to drink. Do you need some y/n?"

"Sure, I'll keep the spot for us" before you can say what you would like to drink he has disappeared into the crowd. LEaving you to your thoughts. Not long after you see someone making their way towards you.

Jiro comes up to you in the line with two girls in tow. "Hi y/n" she calls. "That was quite a statement you made!" she holds a fist up for you to bump. You naturally give her one. "This is Tsuyu Asui" she points her thumb towards the green haired girl with an amphibian look to her. "And this is Mina Ashido" an all pink girl waves at you. She looks like she would be fun at a party.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you both." You smile and wave back at them.

"You should come sit with us at our regular table over there" Mina says with a big smile as she points towards a long table at the center of the hall. You look and see a few familiar faces from class are already sitting there. Including the blond boy.

This ought to be good.

Putting a smile on your face you reply "I'll be right over" The girls already have their food and turn to get seated at the table.

Alone again you keep your gaze on the dominant boy at the A-1 table. You know it is ridiculous to go and make an enemy on the first day. But that boy just makes it so easy. Plus you need a bit of fun in your life and this guy is definitely gonna deliver on the entertainment part. He might have a stupid look on his face but you cannot help admireing his looks in a completly defferent manner as well.

Shoto returns with two cans of soda. He remembered your favorite flavor or was that just a lucky guess. Choosing to believe he remembered you thank him and take the offered drink. The line is moving forward and your food is soon served.

"Jiro came by after you left" Todo made a small noise letting you know to go on. "She invited me to sit and the table with everyone else. You want to?" The boy seems quite indifferent and you make the decision for the both of you. Leading the way over and scoot into a free spot on one side of the table. You're sitting next to a red headed guy who seems to smile easily. Todo gets in after you and takes the spot on your right, again seemingly distant in his expression.

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