Chapter 27 | Flame on

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The screens all around the stadium are flashing Bakugos face while the medical robots scurry off with Uraraka on a stretcher. The boy leaves the area unaffected by the fight, looking calm and collected.

In the row in front of you is Ilda and Midoriya. The green haired boys fight is up next and you can see him mentally preparing. He is going up against Todoroki. You haven’t really seen that much from Izuku to determine if he stands a chance against your friend. Reaching out you place a hand on his shoulder making him jump.

“Good luck Izuku!” you say encouragingly. He’s always been kind to you, this is the least you can do. Even if you do root for his opponent. Shakingly he thanks you and wobbly gets to his feet. After pushing past the others in the seats he disappears to the waiting room.

Todo is still next to you as you lean back again. “I should get going too” he breathes out. Getting ready to leave you stand up next to him. “What is it?” he says concerned at your action.

“I’ll walk you down, I need to stretch my leg anyway.” you say ushering him along. Secretly hoping you’ll run into Bakugo out there. Your classmates were still talking amongst themselves. Discussing their opinions on the fight and you don’t want to listen anymore.

As the two of you leave the others you breathe more easily. In just two more fights you’re going back on to the mat you need to center yourself and focus before then. “You got a plan for your fight?” you ask matching your best friends walking pace.

He is keeping his gaze straight ahead already completely focused on the goal in front of him. “Ideally just like the last one” his tone is conveying nothing of what is on his mind. You’re looking at him from the side trying to read his expression but nothing there either.

“Just promise me you won’t underestimate him.” you say just as he places his hand on the door to the waiting room. Your words give him pause and he turns to face you.

Letting his hand slip from the handle he pulls you into another hug. “Of course I won’t” he says as he holds you tight. For him to be this touchy feely he must really be feeling bad for earlier. As he lets you go again he asks. “Do you want to wait with me?”

“Of course you doofus!” you push past him and immediately grabbing the first chair turning to the screen in the corner. “Sit, Eijiro is up for his rematch any second!” you say excitedly. Todo smiles slightly to himself and grabs the chair next to you.

On the screen the two boys are entering. Taking their place on either side of a cinderblock the get ready for the arm wrestle to begin. “Do you know what to do in your next fight?” Shoto asks while looking at the screen in an uninterested manner.

“I got a general idea. The biggest problem is going to be Dark Shadow” you say staring at the fight. The block is cracking under the guys strength. It’s up to pure endurance. Before too long it is over. Tetsutetsu caved leaving Kirishima the winner. “That was quick” you say disappointed.

Feeling something on your head you realize Todo has planted a soft kiss in your hair. “You know, Dark Shadow might just be the key to your win” before you can ask what he means he has left you alone in the room.

You don’t want to miss this and watching it on the screen is just not the same. The decision is swift and you start making your way back to the bencher to watch the fight with the rest of the class. The halls are completely empty at this time making your own footsteps ring out around you.

“Y/n! Wait up” a familiar voice sounds from behind you. Your steps are drowned in the much more heavy booms from his feet as he makes is way to walk beside you. The red haired boy is as energetic as ever obviously still high on his latest win.

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