Twenty four

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Brooke smiled as she woke in bed with Tom. She looked to him and smiled. "Wake up," she said as she straddled him.

Tom groaned as his eyes opened. He looked to her and smirked. "Don't even think about turning me on. I think we had enough last night," he said.

"Is this Tom Clarkson? Admitting he can't handle the sex?" Brooke asked.

"This is Tom Clarkson telling you his dick will fall off if he has anymore sex."

Brooke grinned and kissed him. She got off him and smiled. "Well then. I'll have to make you some breakfast won't I?"

"Oh go on then."

The two of them went into work. Tom pulled her close and kissed her. He saw Max and deepened the kiss.

Brooke pulled away and smiled. "I'll see you later."

Tom nodded and kissed her again. He turned and walked off just as Chloe walked over. "Hey. How you doing mama to be?" She asked.

Chloe sighed. "I'll be glad when this is all over. And the baby is here. I just hope she doesn't look like Max. That will kill me," she said.

Brooke smiled. She took her hand. "You've got this. I know you have. You're gonna be an amazing mummy."

"I hope so. I just don't wanna let my baby down. Like her father has let her down. And it sucks. Everything sucks," Chloe said.

"You've got me. And you've got mum and Tom too. We're all here for you," Brooke told her as she pulled her sister into an hug.

Brooke was sitting in her classroom. She looked up as Max walked in. "Hello."

"What do you want?"

Max smirked. He sat on the desk. "You do know technically your name is on the mortgage for the house. So you still need to pay it too."

Brooke rolled her eyes and nodded. "Fine. Then we can discuss the payments at a later date. Anything else?"

Max nodded. "Join me for dinner. Just as a goodbye. I know we ended on bad terms. But I want to make that right."

Brooke shook her head and sighed. "No. I'm not doing that. I know that I have to help you with the mortgage. And that's fine. I will. But nothing further than that," she told him.


Brooke watched as max walked off. She couldn't help but worry that he was going to ruin things with her and Tom. And she knew how well their relationship was going.

Brooke walked into the staffroom. She smiled as she saw Tom standing with Chloe. She joined them. "What's going on?" She asked.

Tom smiled. "Chloe was telling me how she's ordered the baby stuff now. Are you okay?" Tom asked.

Brooke nodded. She sighed. "Max. He kindly reminded me that my name is on the mortgage. So he wants me to help pay it off."

Tom rolled his eyes. "That's just his way of messing with your head. I hope you told him to get lost."

"Oh yeah. And risk him sending the bank after me? I'd rather just help him pay it. Then he can't hold anything against me," she said as she smiled.

Tom nodded. He smiled. "I understand that babe. But what about our future? We could use that money for our own home."

"I know. But I just don't want him holding this against me. I'll sort it. I promise I will," Brooke said.

Tom nodded and kissed her. But he had no idea how Max Tyler was about to come between them. And potentially ruining everything that they had.

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