Paris sat in a private waiting area of the hospital. Her face was now swollen and red from all of the crying she had did. Nauseous, tired, sore and weak. She felt like she had gotten ran over. Hands still shaking, she stared at the wall in front of her as Kelsey said something to her. Paris saw her mouth moving, but she couldn't hear shit.
At that moment she was trying to replay the scenario in her head, she was starting to wish she hadn't closed her eyes.
She didn't know if Shane had gotten shot in the chest, head, shoulder, arm, heart or stomach. She just saw blood. Now she sat trying to replay it in her head. Needing confirmation on where exactly he was shot so that she could feel some relief. Any kind of relief.
Because at the moment she felt like she was slowly dying. Every second was torturous. She was horrified those surgeons would come back out and give her some bad news. She wasn't ready for that ..
"What has Solo found out ?" For the first time Paris actually spoke as she looked over at Shamar who was on the phone with Solo ..
"They found the van, abandoned and on fire. No sign of Bethany. How do you know it was them ?"
He asked .."Because they spoke French !! It was them, and Bethany ain't that far away. Wherever they planned on taking me, she was most definitely gonna be there." She replied
"And how do you know ?" He asked
Kelsey sat up "Because we know them Shamar.. maybe more than you and your brother" She said, interrupting their conversation ..
"Let me see your phone .." Paris said to Kelsey
She was still waiting for hers to be brought back to her. They had been in the hospital a little over 2 hours and Shane was still in surgery. Kelsey handed her the phone and Paris texted the one person who she knew could find Bethany if no one else could.
"Kelsey ?" Jessica said into the phone
"It's Paris, I need you back in Miami .. where are you ?" Paris asked
"I'm at the airport in Dallas, I was headed to New York. What's goin on ?" She asked
"I need you to find Bethany, and her dad.
She tried to have me killed and Shane was shot .." Paris replied"Shane was shot ?! Shot where ?!" Jess asked
"I don't know yet, he's in surgery .." She replied, her voice cracking ..
"I'm on my way .." Jessica replied, which Paris didn't expect any different answer.
Whenever Shane called she came running.
Disconnecting the call, Paris gave the phone back to Kelsey.
"Shamar, I know you want to do this correctly so you don't step on anyones toes but we're past that right about now don't you think ? That's your brother in there .." She said
"You think I don't know that ?" He asked
"Somebody's gonna start pointing fingers soon, they don't get any coke if they don't. I want all distribution put to a stop. I want anyone related to the bitch hunted down and taken care of. I don't give a fuck who it is .. everybody associated with them will die until I get Bethany !! 2 million for whoever can bring her to me alive and 5 million for her and her dad. 500k if their dead already .." Paris said
"You sure ?" Shamar asked again
"Trust me .." She replied
"Solo, you got all that ?" He asked into the phone
"I got you .." Solo responded
Shamar disconnected the call ..
Then the door opened."Is he out of surgery ?" Crying, her face almost as swole as Paris' Marsella came into the room in full blown tears ..