Chapter 70: Haunted house

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Katherine's POV

It feels so damned good to be at the boardwalk again. The bright lights and loud music is an atmosphere that I welcome. All of the food stalls that I pass ooze delicious smells that could tempt even the most picky eater to relish in the grease filled savoury and sweet snacks that they had to provide.

Paul has blatantly refused to let go of my hand since we left the cave, God forbid any of the bustling crowd attempts to even walk in between us, David had attempted to steal me away and Paul had growled and made threats of grotesque violence, I could only imagine what he would do to the unlucky soul that had the displeasure of accidentally disconnecting our hands.

Speaking of David, he had instead settled for linking my other hand with his and so this is where we stood now, I was holding hands with both Paul and David as Marko and Dwayne trailed along side us, Marko cracking sly digs at the other two for 'hogging' me.

"Where do you wanna go Kitty?" Paul grins down at me. Although Paul is usually the most 'happy go lucky' out of the four of them I can sense a definite change in his expressions. He hasn't dropped his smile once and looks overall happy, not silly or goofy, but happy. It warms my heart to see how content he appears to be with just holding my hand.

"Hmmmm.....well I've already been on the Ferris Wheel and most of the rides about the haunted house?" I suggest. I have always seen the long lines that stretch out on to the boardwalk that lead up to the haunted house. Groups of giddy teens chatting amongst themselves about how it was their favourite attraction, surf Nazi groups trying to prove to themselves that they weren't scared of anything as well as young children begging their parents to let them in, convincing them that they were grown up enough to explore the haunted house. It has always caught my eye but I've never actually gone in before.

"Hmm, the haunted house you say? I don't know about that....It's very scary, you sure you can handle it?" I look up at David who now has mock concern on his face as he teases me.

"Well, I'm quite sure that Paul is above adequate at protecting me." I tease back to him, a small smile on my face as I watch his eyebrows furrow and I take Pauls hand mockingly raising our conjoined hands to show David.

"Oh no, I think that you're a big girl now Katherine......You should go in by yourself." I'm surprised at Paul who now has a grin on his face as he drops my hand and gently pushes me towards the line forming outside the haunted house. I turn to look at the four of them again who had all equally mischievous grins and smirks on their faces.

"Fine, I will." I hold my ground with a small smile peaking through as I try my best to remain serious.

"Go on then." David speaks up again.

"I'm going I'm going!" I almost laugh as I join the line, looking over my shoulder every so often to see the four of them watching me still smirking and laughing quietly. It probably won't scary, they probably just hire some cheesy actors in costumes to jump out at you or maybe some spooky music but it won't even be that bad. I wait as I watch the line get smaller and smaller before I finally get to the start of the haunted house, handing the ticket person a few dollars before I make my way in.

It was exactly as I imagined, dark and loud, kids and teens running around in groups as actors took the chance to jump out at them as presumably some machine spewed some synthetic fog in to the otherwise barren space. A few overhead lights could be seen, flashing colours, blue, green and then red and back again. I continued to make my way through all of the different themed rooms, one with the floor uneven and trippy clown paintings with fake blood adorned the walls.


I jump before realising that it was one of the paintings in which the voice came from only to notice that it was in fact someone in clown face paint stood behind the wall pretending to be one of the photos.

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