Chapter 71: Let me take a look

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Dwayne's POV:

"Who the fuck was that?"

"I don't know okay? I didn't see his face, I couldn't get the mask off him."

"Was he human?"

"Of course not, if he was he wouldn't have gotten away."

I can hear the conversation my brothers were having in the main cave as I lie on the bed in the bedroom with Katherine still clinging on to me as I hold her as close as possible without causing her any discomfort. I place one had on the top of her head, gently scratching at her scalp in slow soothing motions, trying my best to calm her down. So far she has refused to go and wash or even put any clean clothes on instead she has taken to hugging me tightly and burying her face in to the crook of my neck, silently crying on my shoulder.

"You're okay now my love." I whisper gently to her as if talking to an injured animal. "Can you look at me please? I need to check for injuries." She finally looks up at me and I try my best to hide my distain as I see that her face is still red and her eyes puffy. Her cheeks are stained from tears and her hair is in tangles. She looks awful.

"Thank you." I murmur before moving slightly, looking over her and positioning her carefully. A slight bruise was beginning to swell on her cheek, a small scratch on her neck. I look down at her wrists and make out the shape of the strangers hands that had been wrapped around her wrists. The light blue and purple marks were a disgusting contrast to her beautiful soft skin. "I know that you don't want to take your clothes off right now but may I roll your sleeves up?" It was important to let her know that she was safe and that she had choices here.

She nods her head in confirmation and I roll the sleeve of her t shirt up to uncover a few more bruises marking her pale skin as well as a light graze on her elbow from when she had fallen over.

"My ankle hurts..." I look up to meet her eyes and my gaze softens once more.

"Would you like me to take a look at it?" I ask her and she nods her head again. I move from where I'm laying down and instead sit in front of her and slowly prop her ankle up on to my lap and gently removed her shoe and then sock before rolling up the leg of her trousers. Her ankle looked terrible. It had swelled so much that it looked as if I put a pin in it it would pop like a balloon. The skin surrounding was red apart from the blue and purple bruising that had begun to develop. "Hmm okay, would David be okay to come and take a look at it?" I ask her.

"Yes...." She whispers back. I smile and nod my head before signalling for David to come in. He comes in right away, opening the door and motioning for me to move away. I move and turn to see that Paul and Marko were also in the room now standing a little further away.

"Don't worry Kitty, Dr Dave will sort you right out." Paul gives a supportive smile and Katherine's eyebrows furrow a little in confusion.

"Dr?" She asks and I speak up.

"David was a medic in the civil war." Although I answer her question she still looks confused.

"But I thought that you were older than Marko?" She says to David and I see a small smile tug at his lips as he gently props her ankle up on a pillow.

"I am....who said that vampires couldn't join in on wars?" He asks teasingly before he starts to examine her ankle. "Does this hurt?" He asks before gently pressing down just below her knee and she shakes her head. "Okay how about this?" He moves his hand lower and she shakes her head once again. "And here?" His hand is now on her calf and she winces and nods her head. "Okay, can you make circles with your ankle?" He asks and she tries. It's painful to watch as she tries to rotate her ankle and I watch a pained expression cross her face.

"N-No it hurts too much." She whimpers and David hums in thought.

"I think you'll be okay." He says before Marko chimes in.

"David I know that you're a medical wiz and all but she can't even move her ankle, how is she going to be okay?" He asks, concern in his voice.

"She'll be fine, it's a torn ligament, grade three maybe four. It's bad but nothing unfixable. I'll need to go and get something to support her ankle with aswell as some pain meds, whilst I'm gone make her a joint, I'll also go and get some food." He says, turning to leave before Katherine calls out to him.

"Wait, what about your face?" She asks in a meek voice.

"Oh, I'll be okay. Don't you worry about that Princess, just get some rest and I'll be happy." He says and I'm almost taken back by his words. I had known my brother for a long time and there were only a few occasions that I had ever seen him act so caring before, it was almost unsettling.

But I guess it goes to show how much he loved Katherine.

(( Hey hey Losters! Please don't get too excited as I actually wrote this chapter out of spite! Someone has commented quite a few times about 'Dwayne favouritism' first of all, this is my fic and I can do what I want with it! Secondly my favourite out of the boys isn't actually Dwayne, it's Marko! And thirdly don't like it then don't read or write your own? I've honestly kind of just forgotten about this fic! So I want to be honest and say that I will eventually finish this fic but it's probably going to take a long time, I appreciate those of y'all who keep reading! And I'm curious, who's your favourite out of the boys?!))

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