Chapter 31: My turn

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Paul's pov:

For the past couple of nights I have been waking up a little earlier than all my brothers. I walk out of our room before walking in to Kitty's room to wake her up. I had a slight spring in my step as I was still just a little bit high from last night. "Ohhhh Kitty....." I call softly in a sing songy voice. I step inside her room and look at her with a slight smile before realising that her shoulders were bear and Dwayne was hugging her way tighter than usual. I looked on the floor of the room and spotted her jeans over in one place and then her bra and MY Metallica T-shirt, a thing of beauty I may add, on the FLOOR. I shook my head slightly, no, this wouldn't do! I crouched down and tapped Kitty's nose ever so slightly to try and wake her up "Kitty.....wake up....." I whisper softly before gently tapping her cheek. Her eyes slowly flutter open and she looks at me tiredly "Paul? What time is it?" She asks softly in a groggy tone and I shush her "Did you and Pocahontas fuck last night?" I ask her and she shakes her head. "What no! Wait......Pocahontas?" She asks with a frown. "Pocahontas was a native Indian who had long brown flowing locks like our friend Dwayne over here." I say and she grins slightly.  "Wait, so why's all of your clothes on the floor then?" I ask with a frown before she laughs. "My panties are still on?" She says and I laugh a little "Wait wait what did you do then?" I ask with a wry smile before her face turns red and she shakes her head. "Nothing." And I couldn't help but grin as I look in to her mind. "You let him play with your tits! Ah that's so good and PG Dwayne." I say before she pushes my shoulder, her face tomato red.
           "Paul, do us a favour and fuck off." I look up and Dwayne had his eyes narrowed at me. "Ah, ah,'s my night with Kitty." I say and he shakes his head "You're making her uncomfortable." He says and I look down at Kitty who was trying her best not to laugh. "Anyway, I'm spending more time with her..." Dwayne says before I grin "You see, We thought you would do this at some point so....guys you can come in now...."

David's pov:

"Dwayne, it's Paul's night with her." I say before Dwayne grumbled something along the lines of 'you're all assholes' before throwing the covers off of him self, grabbing his jacket and shoes before slipping them on. He then walks over to Katherine's side of the bed, blocking everyone's view of her before sliding a T-shirt on over her head. "Call me if Paul's being a dick." He says before kissing her and walking out. "Have a nice night you two." I say simply before walking out with Marko.

Katherine's pov:

I go to get up before Paul stops me "Ah, don't have to go anywhere....we're staying in here all night, I have a pizza on the way." He says with a grin before he takes his jacket and then the sheesh top off along with his shoes before he slips in to bed with me. I sit up before he shakes his head and lies down before pulling me on top of him so that I'm straddling his waist. "Woah." I say before I'm looking down at him, a small blush spreading across my face "Hi...." I say softly as his hands snake up and grab my hips gently "Heyy." He says with his Cheshire Cat like grin. "So...ummm...." I say, not knowing what to say or do or where to put my hands.

  "Why're you so nervous?" He asks with a slight frown and I shrug my shoulders and he smiles. "I'm not going to do anything...." He says softly as he gently rubs my hips. "Not unless you want me to....." He says, his grin coming back and I can't help but shake my head. "Why're we sitting like this?" I ask and he laughs a little. "Because it's comfy and this way you can stop me if I get what David calls a little 'touchy feely.'" He says with a grin.

(Hey guys! What'd you think of Dwayne getting a little possessive? Let me know!)

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