Chapter 22: Big mistake

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Paul's pov:

     I looked up at Kitty from my seat, a look of awe set on my features, she looked gorgeous, her hair swept back and the red dress hugging her figure so deliciously. I got up and stood in front of her, looking her up and down "How are you so beautiful?" I whisper and she blushes before shrugging her shoulders, causing me to let out a light chuckle. Before she had time to move her chair I was on the other side of it,pulling it out for her so she could sit in it before pushing her in with ease.

    I could hear her start to laugh as I sat down as she noticed what the food was, pepperoni pizza from the place we had it last night. "What? I tried my best.....the restaurants wouldn't let me take any food out." I say with a grin as she shakes her head before looking around us. "It's really beautiful on this side of the beach...." She says and I couldn't help but laugh slightly. She didn't know that I had spent the last two hours picking up all of the trash and warding people away, but she never needed to know that.....

      "It is isn't it?" I say with a grin before she picks up a slice of pizza and bites in to it. " is definitely the best!" She says and I couldn't help but laugh softly. A few hours later we had finished our pizza and we're making small talk before a ball was kicked on to the table, I looked over to where it had came from only to see a group of men around the age of 18 to 25 having a game of football. "Can't you see we're trying to have dinner? Take this shit somewhere else." I don't realise this but I'm pretty much growling. "It's a public beach! We can be here if we want to. You go sand have dinner in some restaurant like a normal human being!" A guy with ginger hair swept to the side speaks up and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "We were here first dumbass." I hiss before ginger starts walking towards me "What did you just call me?!" His breath stinks of a mix between booze, pot and something garlicky. I go to speak up again but before I do Kitty is by my side.

       "Paul, just leave it. Let's just go....." She says, her voice so weak and scared. I was already pissed that we had been disturbed, now my ma- Kitty was scared, nothing else could possibly happen to make me anymore angry. "Damn, what a fine piece of ass! Come and see what a real man feels like sugar." One of gingers friends hollers from behind him, gaining him a laugh. That's it! My face changes.

Katherine's pov:

          I watched as the guys face drained from all of its colour and his friends stood in shock. "What the fuck?! What the fuck is that?!" The ginger guy shouts, backing away from Paul, I heard an animalistic growl come from the figure standing by me, I looked up and almost screamed. The gorgeous blonde that I had met a few days ago was replaced by a monster. It's eyes red an it's face contorted and almost misshapen as it supported a set of razor sharp teeth. I backed away slightly, I couldn't scream, the sound was stuck in my throat. So I did the only thing I could do, I started to run as fast as I could, tripping over a few times as I was in heels. Tears poured down my face as I could hear the screams of all of those poor souls. And then it stopped.

     I carried on running before I slammed straight in to a rock hard figure in coat tails.  I looked up to see Paul, normal again except blood running down his chin, blood soaking his shirt, face and hands. His eyes were back to those beautiful baby blue ones. "Kath-" He goes to say before I cut him off, my heart running a million miles an hour in my chest. "Get away from me!" I shout, backing away as tears poured from my face. "Please." He says in a desperate tone as he continues moving toward me "You just stay away from me monster!" I scream at him before I take another step back and one of the heels break and I fall backwards. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." I hear his voice come out soft and slow as if he were talking to a small child. "You need to calm down...."

      "Calm down? You just murdered a bunch of people!" It comes out in barely a whisper and my voice cracks as the tears continue to pour down my face. "Get away from me!" I say, my voice raising even more.

        Dwayne's pov:

"Guys get here now! Do t take the bikes just fly or whatever is fastest!" The panicked voice of Paul comes in to my head. I knew something was wrong as I felt my brother shift and then a twinge of fear shot through me. I'm the first out of the cave before I run, jumping off of the cliff before floating above the water, David and Marko not far behind. I touch down on to the beach, looking around in a panic. "Please Kitty...."
      "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!" I heard the pleading voice of my brother and the absolutely terrified voice of Katherine. I rounded the corner before I saw them. Katherine was on the floor, crying as she looked up at Paul who was looking over her, drenched in blood.

      "What the FUCK is going on?!" I open my mouth before David takes the words straight out of my mouth, surging forward towards the pair.  I follow shortly in his footsteps as I survey the situation, looking down the beach to find about twelve dead bodies lying there, surf nazis. "GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I look back to see David trying but falling miserably to help Katherine up as she kicked and screamed. "Everyone leave." I say quietly to my brothers and David looks at me, his eyes murderous "Just trust me brother." I say and he nods before dragging Marko and Paul away from Katherine. I sit down on the floor, trying to make myself as small as possible to show her that I'm not a threat. "My love?" I whisper softly.

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