Chapter 23: Rasberry milkshake

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Dwayne's pov:

"Get away please....." She whispered softly, her and hugging her knees as her head rested on her arms. "Please My Love, we need to go...." I say pleadingly, ever so gently stroking her back. "Just go away, I- I don't want anything to do with any of you!" She shouts, raising her head to show that her eyes were extremely red and puffy from all of the crying she had been doing. As soon as the words came out of my mouth I felt my dead heart shatter in to pieces. "Please, I want to explain." I say softly, continuing to stroke her back gently, wiping the sand off of her skin. "What are you?" She whispers, her voice cracking ever so slightly. I take a deep breath before answering her "We're vampires. But we are not going to hurt you....." I say softly and she looks up at me, her cheeks tear stained and a scared expression on her face. "H-he just.....he just k-killed all o-of those p-people......" She chokes out.

"I know but they were bad people my love, they were apart of a really horrible group filled with rapists and other assholes, part of the same group who almost killed you." I say and she looks at the sand. "They didn't deserve to die though, n-no one does....." She whispers softly, I smiled slightly as I could hear her heartbeat start to slow down ever so slightly. "I know baby, but it's like human eat meat to survive.....we're just trying to survive." I say quietly and her face changes to that of angry one. "Animals, we eat animals who have been killed quickly! Not killed slowly and painfully like Paul killed those people!" She shouts at me and I'm taken aback for a few seconds.

"Paul didn't feed from them......he killed them because they would've tried to take advantage of the fact that there was only two of you." I say softly and her head falls back on to her knees before she gets up and brushes the sand off of her. "You- all of you, stay the fuck away from me!" She says before taking her heels off and walking away. "Where are you going?" I ask her before she turns to look at me "Far from you!" She hisses.

Katherine's pov:

It had been almost a week since I left the boys, on my first night of bein alone I had slept in a doorway only to find that the next morning my backpack was there along with a note. "Princess,
If you ever wish to return to the cave you are most certainly welcome at anytime, me, the boys and Laddie already miss you a lot, if you ever need any help just call one of our names, we'll hear you. And keep the jacket. - David" I crumpled up the note, tossing it in to a trash can before finding somewhere to get changed.

I walk in to a small diner and use the toilets to get changed in to a pair of faded blue jeans that reminded me of Marko and a black shirt before I come out and sit at the counter, looking through the little money I have left.

"Hello! How are you today? My name's April and I'll be serving you today!" I look up and a girl who looks a little older than me was standing in front of me. Her long ginger hair was swept up in to an elegant bun on top of her head, her eyes were a dark brown colour behind her dark purple rimmed glasses, her nose was small like a button and her lips were plump and adorned with cherry red lipstick. "Uhhh....can I get a raspberry milkshake and some fries please?" I ask and she smiles before writing it on a ticket for the chef.

"I'm sorry to bother you Miss but your name doesn't happen to be Katherine does it?" I look up and see Emily smiling down at me before I nod my head "Yeah it is, why?" She looks me up and down for a second, her smile growing wider. "I could see what Paul was talking about! My, you are a gorgeous girl aren't you?" She asks in awe and my eyes widen. "Of course I do! Where do you think he gets his weed?" She asks with a grin and I couldn't help but smile a bit. "I heard you two had a little bit of an incident....." She says and my eyes widen even more before she leans over "Don't worry, I know him and the boys are vamps.....I ain't human myself you know.." She says with a grin before looking around and producing a small flame from her finger to my clear astonishment. "Me and my family are the reason they've been able to stay around here so long without people getting suspicious, we do all sorts of little witchy things in this town." She says with a wink.

"I'm surprised you've been able to keep away from the boys this long, you know you being there mate and all that." She says as she wipes one of the sides down and I frown slightly. "Mates?" I ask and she turns to me. "You mean you don't kn- of course you don't! How silly of me! Well, every single vampire has a mate honey, a male or female that they love with all of their heart, someone they would do ANYTHING for even if it meant killing themselves, someone they're supposed to spend the rest of their life with. Like soul mates. And you little miss greedy are their mate!" She says with a laugh before clutching her hands. "Awww, isn't that just so romantic?! You've got four guys who would bend over backwards and go to the end of the earth for you! It's been tearing them apart ever since you left!" She says as she hands me my milkshake and fries.

"Especially know he came in here the other night and he poured his heart out to me and cried! Can you imagine that? Paul, crying! He kept on saying how he had messed it up and that you will never forgive him and how everyone hates him now and blah blah blah....." She says. "You should go see them, they're all very moody now and I don't like it, plus you're making Laddie deal with four moody vampires, he hasn't come to the boardwalk since he Dane with you the poor little thing!" She says frowning. I throw the money on to the counter just before leaving. "They won't be awake! The sun hasn't set yet!" April calls from behind me but I walk out anyway.

"Thank you." I say to the cab driver before handing the last of my money over and getting out. I walk down the steps and in to the cave before making a b line for the guys's room. "Hello?" I call softly. "Marko? Dwayne? Anyone in here? Hellllooo- Oh My God!" I almost shout as I look up and see the four of them hanging upside down from the ceiling, asleep.

(Hey guys!! What'd you think of that chapter? And how about April? Please review and vote, thanks for reading!!)

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