Amy Gets Captured

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I had been on a mission with Sonic when it happened and honestly. It was my fault.

I had gone ahead to scout when Eggman showed up.

Not realizing that I had left Sonic behind. I started fighting him and his bots.

I was actually doing pretty well or atleast I was until Metal Sonic showed up.

I was smashing bots left and right and then HE showed up.

I growled as Metal Sonic appeared in the air.

His red eyes staring at me. Unfeeling.

I released my best battle cry before charging him.

Metal Sonic dodged me easily.

I turned around if only to be spin dashed.

Which was when Eggman whistled. Recalling Metal Sonic.

I tried to dodge but I wasn't fast enough and I was netted.

Mobius Damnit!

I was then tranqued quickly afterwards and I passed out.

I woke up in a cage.

I got up slowly and looked around.

I frowned. I was alone...

I sniffled.

I sat in the back of the cage and wrapped my arms around myself.

I didn't know how long I sat there but eventually Metal Sonic appeared.

I watched as he looked around and then he started patrolling.

I watched him walk back and forth and listened to the clank clank clank of his footsteps.

It was annoying at first but slowly it became a rhythm and then it was soothing.

I sighed.

I decided I might aswell try to sleep. I mean.. Sonic had to come eventually right?


I laid down.

The clanking stopped.

I opened one eye and Metal had paused to look into my cell.

He beeped three times and then went back to patrolling.

I blinked.

What a weird ass robot.

I wonder why he beeped?

I sighed before closing my eyes and going to sleep.

I guess I couldn't exactly worry about it.

I woke up the next morning to some weird game?

I opened one eye and Metal Sonic was sitting in a corner fiercely tapping on a tablet.

His attention was completely taken by the machine.

I silently sat up.

And then suddenly he released a loud honking noise.

I couldn't help it. I laughed.

"Did you loose?" I asked him.

He looked at me and then he threw the tablet and marched over and started beeping erratically.

I immediately put my hands up. "Whoa! I won't tell!"

He stopped beeping immediately and just stared.

I stared back and then he returned to his patrol.

I sighed in relief and then I realized that the tablet had flown into my cell when he tossed it.

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