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I shook my head before standing up and grabbing Metal's hand.

I was so ready to go home and ditch this crowd.

Which was when someone tapped my shoulder.

I groaned before looking over to see Sonic staring at me.

"Amy.. Ummm.. Tails told me that you are over me?" Sonic said nervously.

I nodded. "I am. What about it?"

"Well.. First I wanted to apologize for attacking Metal. I might have gone alittle overboard there. Secondly. Who's my replacement?"

"I forgive you Sonic. Also.. I can't say." I told Sonic.

Which of course just had to be when Metal hugged me from behind and sent Sonic a fierce glare.

Sonic was silent for a moment and then he took a deep breathe to calm himself.

"You.. You chose Metal Sonic over me?" Sonic asked shakily.

I nodded silently. I wasn't going to lie to my friend.

Sonic then shook his head and left.

I sighed.

I really hoped that I hadn't just ruined our friendship.

Metal beeped.

"I'm fine. It's just. You better have chosen the damn romantic option. Otherwise that was highly inappropriate." I told Metal.

Metal merely nuzzled me gently careful to not poke me too much with his spike nose.

I smiled softly and then he picked me up.

He easily flew above the leaving crowd and we went straight home.

He put me down gently and I turned to him.

"You did choose that option right? Just nod if so." I told him.

He nodded and then gently headbutted me.

I headbutted him back just as softly.

"I love you Metal." I said softly.

Metal made that soft buzzing noise that I now recognized was his version of purring despite just sounding like a phone on vibrate.

I smiled and brought my hand up to scratch his ears.

I guessed I could get rid of my Sonic plushie now. Granted now I would have to buy new plush materials to make myself a plush of Metal.

I smiled and then an idea occurred to me.

What if I just slept with Metal? I mean we were housemates and I highly doubted that he would mind. I mean he did say that he had romantic feelings for me.

I frowned.

Metal didn't like laying down though.

I could always ask though.. Couldn't I?

I shuffled my feet.

Metal released a curious beep.

I shook my head. "It's nothing."

I then scratched his ears and he went back to buzzing softly.

I smiled. "Alright. How about we go inside?"

Metal nodded and walked in and then he sat on the couch and stared at me.

I chuckled and walked over.

"What?" I asked him.

He gently grabbed my hand and brought it to his ears.

Apparently he wasn't done yet.

I smiled and started scratching again.

Metal immediately began his soft humming once more.

Which was when my left thumb brushed the inner part of his left ear and he paused for a moment.

I paused too. Had I hurt him unintentionally?

I mean.. This part felt different. It was softer.

"Did I harm you?" I asked him in concern.

He shook his head and then he beeped.

I tilted my head and he grabbed his tablet.

I watched as he drew himself twice. One frontal view and one back view.

On the frontal view he circled his ears the top of his hands and his radio area. On the back view he circled his engine.

He then messily wrote the word sensitive.

I immediately understood. This was his version of privates.

"Oh! Okay. I won't touch those areas." I told him.

Metal nodded and beeped.

I then went to go make dinner.

Today's dish was Alfredo pasta.

I smiled when Metal joined me at the table and I ate.

After I went to the bathroom and Metal did the bath bomb like usual and then I kicked him out.

It was all pretty standard procedure at this point.

Or atleast until I made my decision.

I had put my pajamas on when I called for him.

"Metal!" I called.

Metal immediately appeared looking concerned.

"Don't worry nothing is wrong. I just have a question." I told him.

I shuffled my feet. Now starting to rethink my query. I didn't want to run Metal off.

He then interuppted my thoughts by beeping impatiently.

"Would you mind sharing my room tonight?" I asked him as I kind of chickened out.

I mean.. Mission halfway successful?

Metal stared at me for a moment and then he went and got his stuff.

"Hey! I didn't say you were moving in here!" I yelped.

He ignored me completely and placed it all in the corner.

"You know what? I revoke your bedroom privilege!" I told him while trying to look fierce.

He made a series of clicks and then sat on my bed and plugged himself into the wall.

I guessed there was only so much that I could argue with.

I glared and sat beside him.

"Just so you know. If I wake up to you ringing or anything before 8am I am sending you to Tails." I threatened.

Metal rolled his eyes and patted my head.

I huffed and laid down.

Stupid Metal. Thinking he could just move in.

But then again. I was the one who invited him. I guess I couldn't complain. It was my idea afterall.

I smiled slightly before falling asleep.

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