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I woke up to fierce honking.

I opened one eye and saw Metal apparently yelling at Cubot and Orbot.

"HONK! HONK! HONK!" Metal Sonic honked loudly.

I stood up immediately.

"Metal!" I called to him.

He then stormed over to my cage and honked again.

"I know. You're stressed. What did they do?" I asked him.

He crossed his arms and beeped.

I sighed. "I'm going to have to teach you sign or something."

He tilted his head.

"It's another way to talk." I told him.

He beeped again.

I smiled before signing hello.

He looked towards Orbot.

"The prisoner says hello. Although. You really shouldn't get so friendly." Orbot growled.

Cubot nodded and then Eggman walked in.

Metal then turned around and bowed.

I trembled.

"Amy Rose. Nice of you to join us." Eggman smiled cruelly.

I glared.

Eggman then walked over to a console and started doing scans of me.

I whimpered.

Metal Sonic turned to me. His eyes were back to their emotionless state.

No longer the curious yet mischievious robot of before.

Had I judged him wrong?

I trembled.

And then suddenly he turned to Eggman and beeped.

Eggman turned his head. "Yes?"

Metal wringed his hands and then pointed to my stomach.

Which was when my stomach growled.

Eggman sighed. "Well.. I guess live tests would be better. Alright. I'll be back."

I watched as he left.

I then dropped onto my bottom with a sigh of relief.

"Thankyou. Metal." I told the robot thankfully.

Metal nodded and then Eggman returned and he went back to being a robot.

I really hated this version of Metal. I decided.

He wasn't supposed to be a emotionless robot. No. I liked it better when he was playing and being curious.

Eggman then threw slop into my cage with a bowl of water.

What the fuck? Where did he even get this?

I sighed.

I ate the slop first. I gagged maybe three times.

Metal watched me the whole time.

I then picked up the bowl and drank the water.

Eggman huffed before continuing his scans.

At this point I just allowed it.

He scanned me for a couple more minutes before leaving.

Orbot and Cubot left with him thankfully.

I sighed.

"Metal. There is no way that you enjoy living here." I said gently.

Metal stared at me.

"Wouldn't you like to be free?" I asked him.

He looked away.

I frowned.

"Look. I know you want to defeat Sonic and that Eggman is kind of like your dad but.. He's evil Metal.." I told the robot.

Metal immediately honked.

I shook my head. "I know. You're afraid to leave.. But it's so much better outside.. Please Metal?" I asked him while clinging to the front bars.

Metal stared at me and then he crossed his arms.

I sighed. I should of known that that wasn't going to work.

I wondered how long I would be here before Sonic showed up.

I groaned

Metal beeped.

I glared at him.

"If you're not going to help me. Patrol." I growled.

I knew I was being mean but I was just so annoyed. Why couldn't Metal understand!?

I started pacing around my cell.

Metal's head drooped for a moment and then he went back to patrol.

I have no idea how long I paced but eventually Metal must of got tired of it because he honked.

I paused and glared.

"What?" I asked him rudely.

He honked again.

I sighed. "Sorry. I'm just.. Annoyed."

He beeped and then suddenly he went stock still.

"Metal?" I asked him worriedly.

And then a voice came from his chest.

"Who's this?" Asked Sonic's voice.

"Sonic!" I whisper shouted.

"Amy!?" Sonic said alittle too loudly.

"Shut up! I'm in Eggman's base." I snapped.

"Tails! Get us some cords!" Sonic whisper shouted.

"Getting them." Tails said.

"Sonic! Do not attack Metal. He might come after you but just.. Ignore him." I told Sonic.

"What!?" Sonic hissed.

I narrowed my eyes. "You heard what I said. We misjudged Metal. He's.. A good boy."

Sonic groaned. "You're brainwashed!"

I crossed my arms. "No. Look. I'll show you when you and Tails save me and Metal. Okay?"

Sonic frowned. "Save Metal? How are we supposed to do that?"

I huffed. "Let me figure that one out."

Sonic just shook his head.

"I have the cords." Tails told us.

"Alright. We're coming Amy." Sonic told me and then he signed off.

I watched as Metal Sonic unstiffened and stared at me.

I smiled at him.

"Thankyou Metal." I told him gently.

He just shook his head and beeped.

"I know. It's going to be okay. I told Sonic to spare you this time." I told him.

He honked almost immediately.

I snorted. "Oh hush. You're coming with us whether you like it or not."

He honked again and stomped his foot.

Apparently he was determined.

"Metal! Come on! Look. You can stay at my house. I don't mind. It's just. You're not supposed to be so emotionless. I like you like this." I explained.

He stopped honking and then just stared.

I smiled and he looked away.

He released one final mini honk before patrolling.

We had totally misjudged him.

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