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I beamed as I finished it.

Now time to go to bed and then.. The moment of truth.

I smiled as I walked down the hallway.

I then entered my room. Undressed, Put my pink pajamas on, got my Sonic plush and went to bed.

I woke up that morning to a loud ringing noise.

At first I was really confused. I didn't have an alarm.

But then my door opened and Metal Sonic walked in and honked.

I snorted.

Metal simply honked again before walking over and looking down at me.

I huffed and sat up. "Metal. What the hell?"

He beeped loudly.

I snorted before looking him over and he exposed his neck to me. Showing me a green button.

I pressed it and he stopped ringing.

"Honk!" He honked.

"What?" I asked him.

He pointed at the door and then he grabbed my blanket.

And suddenly I understood. He was trying to wake me up to tell me something.

I got up and walked into the living room.

If only to smell cabbage and potatoes.

"Honk!" He honked.

I turned to him and he was on his toes looking at me expectantly.

"You.. woke me up to tell me that you cooked?" I asked him.

He shook his head and then he grabbed my hand and dragged me over to his tablet where he got on a art app and drew a alarm clock and pointed at it.

My eyes widened as understanding hit me like a truck.

He woke me up because that was what he did back home.

I giggled "Metal. You don't have to wake me up. I don't have a schedule like Eggman does."

Metal stared at me and then beeped.

I just shook my head. "What all did you do for Eggman in the mornings?"

He drew an alarm and then a coffee.

I nodded. "Okay. Well I'm going to go take a shower. Since I'm up now. Think you can wait here?"

He nodded and I left.

I made my shower fast and got dressed and then I went and got the sweater.

Which for the record. He better fucking like since he woke me up at 6am and I normally get up at 8.

I smiled before walking into the living room and presenting it to him.

"What do you think?" I asked.

He stared at the sweater and then at me and shook his head.

I laughed. "I'm not wearing it."

He beeped and then tilted his head.

"I made it for you. I thought it would make you feel more independent if you had more things that belonged to you." I admitted.

He stared at the sweater again and then he took it from me and put it on awkwardly.

I went and got one of my carry on mirrors from my bathroom.

I watched as he admired himself for a moment and then he did something shocking.

He hugged me.

"Beep." He beeped before letting go and doing a little spin for the mirror.

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