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I finished my bath and exited in my pajamas.

What I ran into was Metal hugging his new Amy plush. Wearing his sweater and staring out the window.

I smiled before walking up behind him.

"Hey Metal. Anything interesting?" I asked while standing beside him.

Metal shook his head and then held my hand.

I smiled and gave his a gentle squeeze and for awhile we just stood there. Side by side.

I yawned and Metal released my hand and gently pushed me towards my bedroom.

I gave him a single hug before going to bed.

I woke up the next morning to a loud honk.

"Honk!" Metal Honked.

"Mr. Metal! Be Quiet! This is supposed to be a secret!" I heard Cream whisper.

I frowned but stayed in bed.

"Beep." Metal answered.

"Exactly! Secret!" Cream said.

I finally snuck out of my room and I saw Cream sitting with Metal on the couch.

He was watching her intently as she showed him something in her drawing book.

He then nodded.

I frowned. There was no telling what Cream was showing him.

Which was precisely when Metal realized I existed and honked and ran up to me.

I placed a hand on his chest and he paused.

"Honk!" He honked.

I raised an eyebrow. "What did Cream show you?"

He paused for a moment and then.

He gently booped his nose to my nose.

My face turned fully red.

"Oh..." I said in surprise before glaring at Cream.

Cream who was smiling like a mule eating briars.

"Just.. give me a moment." I told Metal sweetly before turning my eyes to Cream.

Cream who was now running for the door.

I released my best battle cry and chased her down.

"Cream!" I shouted.

"Oh come on! Someone has to teach him!" Cream exclaimed.

We made it to her house and Cream darted inside.

I paused and kicked the exterior wall.

Which was when Vanilla appeared looking concerned.

"You're daughter is a demon." I growled.

Vanilla laughed. "Is this about your new boyfriend?"

I opened my mouth to object but to my horror nothing came out.

"So you do like Metal?" Vanilla asked.

I groaned. "We are friends."

"Do you like him like him?" Vanilla smirked.

I was quiet for a moment and then I crossed my arms.

"I don't want to talk about this." I growled.

Vanilla giggled. "You definitely like him."

"Uggghhh it's just. He doesn't know anything about love. I mean.. He probably doesn't see me like that and.." I trailed off with drooped ears and a frown.

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