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I shook my head before walking inside and going to the kitchen.

I made myself a grilled cheese and ate it before walking back into the living room.

Metal was now on his tablet and he seemed to be drawing a picture.

I smiled before walking over.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked him.

He quickly hid his picture from me and made a shooing motion with one hand.

"What? Can I see it when it's done?" I asked.

He nodded and then he shooed me again.

I snorted before walking into my crafts room.

I was in there for maybe five minutes when Metal walked in and proudly showed me his Tablet.

It was a picture of me and him holding hands in the park and it actually looked cartoony instead of stick figure.

I smiled. "I like it."

Metal tilted his head up and then he looked around my crafts room.

He then burst into a series of mini honks.

"What?" I asked defensively.

He pointed to an array of my first two failed sonic plushies.

I huffed. "It was difficult to get him how I wanted him okay?"

Metal then seemed to think about something and he walked out.

I waited for maybe a minute and then he walked in with my Sonic plush and his eggman plush which for the record had seen better days.

He then sat down near my chair and beeped.

"Do you want me to fix up your eggman plush?" I asked him.

I mean.. All it really needed was a wash.

He stared at me for a long moment and then he looked down at his plush eggman.

Finally. He shook his head.

"Beep." He beeped before pointing at both plushes and then to me.

I frowned. "Wash them both?"

He shook his head and then he looked around the room again.

He then started checking some drawers and eventually he found what he was looking for.

Stuffing, needles and my plush materials.

"Oh! You want me to make you one?" I asked him.

He nodded.

Which was when I realized the materials he had grabbed was pink.

I was originally going to make two plushes. One of Sonic for me and one of me for Sonic. But then I realized that Sonic might find that creepy so I only made one.

"You want me to make a plush of me?" I asked him. Feeling warm.

He nodded and beeped before gently headbutting my shoulder.

I smiled and petted his head without thinking much about it.

He made that soft buzzing noise and gently rubbed his face on my hand.

I was surprised for a moment and then I gently rubbed one of his ears.

He tilted his head and the buzzing grew alittle louder.

I chuckled and drew my hand away. "Alright that's enough. I'll make the plush."

He stared at me and then nodded.

Flirting With DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now