Eggman Attacks!

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I woke up to my body curled around something warm.

I purred and snuggled closer.

I heard a gentle buzz and I opened my eyes to see that I had apparently curled my entire body around Metal in the night.

I blushed fiercely.

My head was nuzzled against his right side.

Before I could start panicking though he rubbed my ears.

I immediately began purring for a moment before bringing myself away from Metal and sitting up.

He unplugged himself and headed towards the door but not before grabbing his Amy plush and his tablet.

He looked back at me and beeped before leaving the room.

I got dressed quickly in my normal clothes and went to go find him.

He was in the kitchen making another grand attempt at pancakes.

I chuckled and sat down.

He finished and presented them to me with a proud beep.

He must have used a different recipe this time because they actually looked edible.

"Thankyou Metal." I told him before covering it with less syrup than I did the first time and eating it.

Metal beeped happily and sat down.

I smiled at him before finishing the food and he took my plate.

I watched as he washed it and made a decision.

"Metal. What do you think about having a movie night?" I asked him.

Metal stared at me curiously.

"Beep?" Metal asked me.

"Now we have to have movie night!" I said as I realized that Metal had probably never seen a movie before.

"We gotta watch Zootopia!" I said excitedly.

Which was precisely when my communicator started beeping from my room and I groaned before going and checking it.

BlueBlur: Tails! Eggman's on the move!

DoubleTail: Hell!

JewelThief: Me and Darkhog are on the way.

HammerTime: Think he's after Metal?

BlueBlur: Probably.

DoubleTail: We can't let him have Metal back.

XOmegaX: I agree. Inferior Unit is quite fun to play with.

HammerTime: I shall protect my house with my life.

FortKnux: Am I needed?

BlueBlur: Nah. We handling it.

DoubleTail: Oh shit! Where the fuck did he even! Gtg

Darkhog: How the fuck did he even get all of these robots?

HammerTime: Okay. Where are you guys?

Darkhog: X-? Y-? Z-?

HammerTime: Thx alot. -_-

Darkhog: Wait you understood that?

HammerTime: Nope but Metal saw it. Gtg

I then turned off my communicator and grabbed Metal.

"You are not leaving without me." I growled at him.

He nodded and scooped me up and walked out the door.

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