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We arrived at my house ten minutes later.

Metal had walked without making a single noise the whole way.

Which didn't bother me.

Honestly I was just happy that he came with us.

I then stopped.

We were in town now and I smiled before turning around to him.

"Alright Metal. First. Let's set some ground rules." I told him.

Metal beeped and tilted his head.

"First rule. No hurting people." I told him firmly.

He nodded and beeped.

"Second rule. No stealing." I stated.

Metal beeped and nodded again.

"Third and final rule. Don't break anything." I said ending my rules list.

Metal beeped and nodded one final time and then I lead the way to my home.

I smiled and paused infront of my door.

"So. What do you think?" I asked Metal.

Metal looked around and then thumbs upped my house.

I beamed. Not many people liked my home because it was pink and frou frou. But having Metal give me a thumbs up really upped my confidence.

"If you like the outside you'll love the inside!" I told him excitedly before opening the door and going inside.

Metal followed me and then he looked around and put his stuff on my couch.

He then continued to scope out my entire home before coming back to me and thumbs upping.

I only had one bathroom, my room, the kitchen, my arts and crafts room and my living room.

And now that I realized this I frowned. Where was Metal going to stay?

"Metal. Where are you planning on making your place in my house?" I asked him.

He pointed at my couch and then he beeped at me.

I sighed. I guessed it would have to make do.

Which was when Metal suddenly opened a hatch on himself and plugged himself into my wall and sat down.

"Metal?" I asked him.

He looked up at me and beeped.

I went and sat infront of him.

"You doing okay? This isn't too much is it?" I asked him as it finally occurred to me that this was a huge change.

He seemed to think for a moment and then shrugged.

I frowned. "I really am sorry Metal. But. This is for the best."

He nodded and then looked out one of my windows.

I sat with him for awhile before making a decision.

"Metal. Have you ever cooked?" I asked him.

He looked at me and shook his head.

I smiled. "Well! You are learning today."

Metal beeped and pointed at his charger.

"You can move it to the kitchen. Come on! It'll be fun!" I grinned.

Metal rolled his eyes but got up and unplugged himself.

I danced into the kitchen and got my cookbook out that had all my recipes.

Behind me Metal plugged himself into the wall and gently made his way over to my counter.

"I'm thinking we can make cabbage and potatoes!" I told him.

He nodded and I got the ingredients. Being careful not to trip myself on his wire.

"Okay. Here is the potatoes. I want you to copy me. Watch." I told him.

I then peeled a potato and handed him the knife.

I watched as he peeled his potato and smiled.

"Good job. Now for the cabbage."

I had him watch as I prepped the cabbage and then the pan aswell as turn on the stove and well. I guess I kinda took over after that.

"And we are done! Would you like to sit with me?" I asked him.

He nodded and walked over to my dining table and sat down.

I beamed and sat across from him.

I ate my meal and then I stretched.

"So Metal. I'm guessing your going to be turning off for the night soon?" I asked.

He nodded and beeped.

"I think I'm going to go my art room and craft for a while." I told him as an idea popped up in my mind.

Metal tilted his head.

"It's the room that has the chair and all the materials and stuff." I explained.

He nodded and then he got up and took my empty plate and went to the sink and washed it for me.

"Metal! You didn't have too!" I said standing up.

He beeped and then went and got his cord and returned to my living room where he plugged in beside my TV and stood straight and turned off.

I guessed that was the end of that conversation.

I sighed and went to my art room.

I got my tape measure and then I snuck into the living room and quietly sized Metal.

I then returned to my art room and went to work.

Metal would either love it or hate it. I hoped he liked it.

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