•Anniversary• Smut

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Your arms stretched by your side and your feet scrunched up as your eyes slowly fluttered open peacefully. It was 'June 3rd' and the day of your and Kai's 2 year anniversary, your mouth immediately curled into a smile and thought about the things you and Kai had planned for today.

You woke up to an empty bed you knew it was for a good reason because Kai would never just leave you alone in an empty bed by your self, he would always be afraid of you getting upset with him or wanting to leave him over the smallest things, it made you feel bad for him. You know he had a really rough past but you always reminded him that you are never going to leave him and that he should stop worrying, but he would still always worry because you were his everything, the love of his life, you saved him, and he would do anything for you.

You finally got out of bed after thinking about all the amazing things you and Kai were gonna do today and made your way down stairs. You saw on the kitchen table a bouquet of daises mixed with roses, Kai knew those two kinds were your favorite. Your eyes light up and your smile became even wider not even knowing that could be possible. You were so mesmerized by the flowers that you didn't even realize the white card sitting next to them.

The card read 'went to the store to get things for breakfast, I can't wait to spend this special day with you my love. - Kai'

Written in Kai's beautiful cursive handwriting, even small words on a piece paper from him made your stomach swirl with butterflies. Your smile never fades away and you twirl around in happiness, while you continue hopping around with happiness you hear the front door open so you go and hide behind the door way behind fridge so Kai can't see you.

You watch as he walks into the kitchen with a bag of stuff from the store and sets it down onto the counter and sees that the bouquet of flowers is still there, he smiles and shakes his head knowing that you are probably still asleep. You smile to your self while you watch him get all the stuff out of the bag, before Kai can finish getting all the stuff out you come up behind him and wrap your arms around his muscular body and kiss his cheek while standing on your tippy toes, "Hi handsome," you whisper in his ear, "Mmm hello my love." Kai whispers and closes his eyes.

"I love the flowers, and the card" you said in between kisses on his neck. "You saw?" Kai looks back at you smiling. "Of course I did, I woke up and then I heard you coming so I wanted to come up to you like this," you said while laying your head on his shoulder. Kai let's let's out a soft chuckle and then turns around to face you, he cups your cheeks and kisses you with passion while stroking your hair with his hand.

Once Kai pulls away he rests his forehead on yours and smiles at you, "Happy anniversary beautiful." Kai says looking at you with his pretty blue eyes, "Happy anniversary," you say and wrap your arms around his neck holding him into a tight embrace.

"Mmm what's for breakfast?" You ask pulling out of the hug walking over to the bag of stuff. "French toast, I know it's your favorite," Kai smiles leaning down to kiss your head causing you to smile. You always loved how Kai knew everything about you, your favorite movie, favorite food, favorite color, how you feel, and even your least favorite things or things you didn't like. You also loved how Kai was so relaxed today, you still remember last year when it was your one year, he was a nervous reck, but you had to admit, he was really cute with everything he had done.

You make your way to the other side of the island and sit on one of the chairs that were across the counter, you sit there and watch as Kai starts the French toast. "Enjoying the view?" Kai smirks while still focusing on cooking, "yep," you say smiling.

"Breakfast is ready," Kai said and put the plate of beautifully cooked french toast with strawberry's and blueberries on top in front of you. You grab the silver fork that is laying next to the plate of food and take a bite, your facial expressions said it all, this was definitely the best French toast you have ever had. "How is it?" Kai asked sitting next to you with his own plate of food, "it's amazing," you say and lay your head on him. Kai smiles as he kisses your head and takes a bite of his food, you then being your hand up to rub his arm and finish your food.

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