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Chapter 4

"We're here." Ghost says as Kalidor pops into view as the ship exits hyperspace.

The planet was quite large, mostly a terrestrial planet, the oceans were small in comparison to the large landmasses upon the it. The cities and metropolis on the planet could be seen as glittering stars dotted along the planets surface. After a quick landing Ghost and I were walking around Kalidor's main city Korem.

"First we have to find a place to set up shop then I'll get to work on replacing some of your older parts and maybe even equipping you a blaster." Ghost says to me as he starts leading us into the lower income district. Beggars sat at the corners of the streets as we passed them but; Their eyes glinted with hopes of credits but Ghost paid them little heed.

"Master why are we here shouldn't we be in the merchant district?" I asked.

"Because Wraith, what we do you don't set up shop for all of the city to see." Ghost replied.

"Oh, and what is our business again Master? I asked.

"Our business Wraith, is we are mercenaries, bounty hunters, and assassins." Ghost said quietly as we passed a group of hoodlums standing outside a shady looking bar.

We walked behind the bar. When we the middle of the back alley. Ghost then went to the sewer grate and said.

"Yep, this is the one."

He opened the grate and climbed down the maintenance ladder. I quickly followed him down the hatch until we reached a large opening in the sewers.

"This will be our base of operations." Ghost said as he flipped the breakers on a nearby panel.

The cavern flickered with light and then was illuminated as the lights finally came on. It was a one hundred foot room by two hundred feet wide. Old packages of emergency rations and medical supplies were scattered on the floor.

"The city keeps caverns like these in the case that the city is attacked they can hide the city's wealthy and noble. But we're going to use it since they couldn't keep the locals from raiding the place. " Ghost said.

" While we get you fixed up I'll get some supplies down here and we'll be getting to work in no time."

A week of cleaning and improving security later, Ghost was sitting at his desk checking his cloaking device to make sure the black market dealer didn't con him out of his credits. I was hacking into the city archives computer system to check schematics on the sewer system to our first job.

" I've got the map of the sewer system now Ghost. Fully detailed with every pipe, grate, and maintenance panel." I reported.

" Good work now we can plan our entry and escape from there." Ghost said.

" Master, are you sure it's a good idea we took this job. I mean breaking into a prison to kill another assassin seems risky." I asked.

" Yes, Wraith it is a good idea. The job will show we're good assassins but keep us hidden from my old team. We're not ready to face the Death Squad just yet."

I had the feeling Ghost was grinning under that helmet as he activated the cloaking device and disappeared from nearly every scanner I had in my vision array.

End of Chapter 4

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