Felix's Maintenance task

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Chapter 13


Well I guess it's my turn to tell the story. Wraith and I stepped out into the hangar as Ghost headed to the ship's bridge to be debriefed. Now before I continue I would just like to point out that Ghost had not switched sides.

While we were planning on a way to get into The Gauntlet I had seen a job offering put up by the Union. The Union needed more troops for the invasion of Cryothrem. So after speaking to Ghost about it I signed us up for the front lines and quickly planned with Ghost on how we were going to sabotage The Gauntlet's nuclear engines.

" You and Wraith will have to set the charges. I'll be in the bridge until we have to leave. So it will be up to you guys." Ghost said during our planning

We stepped out of Paradise in Death and stepped into The Gauntlet's hangar. Wraith and I started walking towards the engines, while Ghost headed to the ships bridge.

"Alright down these corridors and we will come across an access point." Wraith said.

As we walked down a corridor we came across the access point. It was a square crawl space used to make routine maintenance on the engines cooling and electrical systems.

" Alright well I'll get to work on planting the charges. Watch my back." I said as I pulled out my lock picks and started opening the door.

After unlocking the door I crawled in and planted the charges.

"Guard coming. " Wraith said through the comms. Wraith piloted his body up towards the roof.

It was too late. I was sliding out of the access door when a guard turned the corner.

" What are you doing?" He asked as he pulled his gun up.

" Just routine maintenance buddy." I said.

" I see... I didn't hear anything about a maintenance check today." He said.

" Let me call it in real quick before you go." He said as his hand moved towards the radio button on his helmet.

Luckily Wraith had already jammed the guard's radio. After a brief period of static the guard said." Looks like comms are down, come with me.".

" Yeah sure no problem." I responded.

We started walking behind him. I pulled my knife out and quickly stabbed the man in the chest. He slumped to the floor and a red stain began to blossom from the wound. I quickly reopened the maintenance access point and stuffed the guard inside. Wraith was sending Ghost the information on what was happening. After locking the access point we started calmly walking back to the ship. Wraith and I returned to the ship and had to wait twenty minutes before Ghost got there after that we departed from The Gauntlet.

" Alright we should be clear of the explosion. Time for the fireworks." Ghost said.

I then opened the detonator and pressed the red button. The Gauntlet slowly started to explode behind us as we stayed our course to land on Cryothrem, the ship began to break apart and then all the sudden it came back together and the exploded into a white ball of fire.

" Looks like a job well done." Ghost said as we began to enter Cryothrem's atmosphere.

As he said those words an alarm started going off and the map showed a small ship flying towards us.

End of Chapter 13

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