Untitled Part 12

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Chapter 12

Master Ghost has asked me to step in on the story telling now. When Ghost came back from his shopping trip, Felix and I had just finished calibrating the tools for Felix's work table.

"We've got everything up and running at maximum efficiency." I said to Ghost as he looked around at the new computer tables and workshop.

" Good job. Now all we need to do is find a job." He replied.

"Ok, Felix here's the websites we use for mercenary work." I replied sending over the website information.

" What kinda job am I looking for?" Felix asked.

" Anything worth around 100,000 credits." Ghost replied.

"100,000 credit. That's quite a bit of money!" Felix replied.

Ghost walked over to the kitchen area and grabbed a drink from the small refrigerator under the counter.

" All this stuff cost money. Right now we only have about five thousand credits." Ghost said.

"Ok I'll get right to work on finding us a job." Felix said as he starts to go through the websites I gave him.
I floated over to Ghost.

" I've established that Felix is with us." I said quietly as Ghost ate his lunch.

" Good. Thanks for watching him for me." He said.

" No problem." I said.

After a hour and a half Felix said." I think I might have found a job."

Ghost replied." What kind of job is it?"

Felix replied." The Imperials need a Universal ship destroyed. It's called The Gauntlet it's currently one of the ships that is in the blockade besieging the planet Cryothrem.".

Ghost stood up from his chair and said." Well let's get packed we're headed to Cryothrem.".

So Ghost packed his gear, Felix packed what gear he needed. I simply moved my combat body into the ship and followed Ghost around helping him plan how to destroy the warship. We finished packing up our gear and headed into the ship dock. As Ghost went into the dock office I waited outside , Felix already getting the ship running.

As I floated there I watched a group of people walk to there ship one of them walked over to the office and stepped in. She was about five and a half foot tall with black hair. She was quite thin probably about 125 pounds. The only reason I make a big deal about this is because of the group she was with, which was of mostly men with guns and armor. She walked to the door as she opened the door Ghost stepped out and bumped into her.

" Sorry I didn't see you there." He said.

" It's fine just watch where your going." She said as she walked past.

Ghost and I got on Paradise in Death and headed towards Cryothrem. Felix and Ghost were talking about how they would destroy The Gauntlet. While they were focused on the schematics of a basic warship I was flying our ship. As we approached Cryothrem Ghost told me to stop the ship. Ghost then told me to make contact with The Gauntlet. I then setup a voice chat with the communication center of the Gauntlets bridge.

" Who is this?" The Captain of The Gauntlet asked.

" This is Captain Wrath, I've come to report to you for my job," Ghost replied.

The Captain said." Ah, Yes Wrath your the one who's suppose to be in front in the first wave of the invasion right?".

" Yes sir I'll be flying in the front, just going to stop to refuel and get my debriefing on the situation." Ghost replied.

" Ah yes just dock into the hangar and head to the bridge." The Captain replied.

End of Chapter 12

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