Gun Deals

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Chapter 10

The Imperial army showed up an hour after I had cleared the base and sent Felix to Paradise in Death. We had further agreed that he would work for me as my computer scientist from now on and I'd give him a share of the money I made on jobs.

I don't know why I took a liking to the kid but he did have potential when it came to tech. He did after all hack through Wraith's firewall and get video footage of me shooting up the communication tower at Outpost 737.

So after the Imperial army came through and gave me my cut of the job and I picked up some computers and weapons throughout the base. I hopped on the next shuttle back to the Imperial city where Paradise in Death was parked.

"What do you think of Felix?" I asked Wraith who was in his usual spot piloting the ship.

" I think he will be a valuable member to the team." Wraith replied.

"Yeah, the kid's got potential and amazing knife throwing skills." I replied.

After our little chat we spent the rest of the flight in silence. In the silence I was thinking of how long it would be before Felix left the team. We got to Paradise in Death four hours after Felix had arrived. When we arrived at the ship Felix was waiting in the cargo bay looking at the two ships I'd had brought onto the ship.

"Nice ship you got here." He said as I approached him.

"Thanks I picked it up from a group of now retired pirates." I replied.

"I know you don't have anything with you but you can choose a room in the sleeping quarters to keep your things. You'll be living here until I've setup your room in the base." Felix replied.

As I started to walk away Felix said. "Hey thanks for not killing me in the base back there. I know you could have and it probably would have been a lot simpler."

I kept walking. I wasn't sure what to think of Felix yet he seemed grateful for me getting him out of the Union. Before he was teleported he told me he was glad I was taking him with me. He said he was conscripted into the Union a year ago for his skills in computers and engineering. I'd seen his situation before on Both sides of the war where the army conscripted teenagers with high IQs and put them to working engineering weapons of war. I chose my life as a mercenary but Felix didn't. Guys like him in a time of war don't get normal lives. No they get a room, equipment, and food and water and the are told to build better equipment for the army. It was to late to give Felix a normal life even with a new identity he'd just be picked up again for his abilities in computer security. I guess it's best I got him out of the Union at least now he'll get to live an interesting life instead of being locked away in a base.

So after I got Wraith to launch the ship back to Kalidor. I went through the two ships I had acquired from Outpost 737. The ships were in great condition each had a cloaking system, hyperdrive, shields, and the newest Union blasters. I had already decided to strip one and put its equipment into Supernova's Shadow and then have the other fitted to be controlled by Wraith incase we ever have to participate in a space battle. After looking over the newly acquired equipment I went to the sleeping quarters to check on Felix. Felix was sitting in the backroom in the quarters looking through what was probably some pirates clothes and belongings.

" Anything your size?" I asked him.

" Yeah actually I think these are my size." He said as he put on a pair of aviator sunglasses and turned to me." You ever take that helmet off?" He asked.

"Occasionally." I replied." I prefer to always be ready for a fight."

"Alright then." He said unable to resist a smirk.

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