Good Evening Everyone

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Chapter 17


I was in the middle of removing the nuclear power supply from SuperNova Shadow when I received a message from Ghost.

The message read." Still alive, in an underground tunnel below the planet's surface. It should be a while before I reach the city. While you are there get supplies and receive the payment for the job. I'll be there in about two to three days.".

I showed Felix the message and began working on SuperNova Shadow again. I messaged the Imperials to send our payment to our accounts and then told Felix to go and stock on supplies. Hours passed as I had nearly completed dismantling SuperNova Shadow when I got a message from Felix.

It was a picture of Felix with a gun to his head and a ransom attached.

" 1,000,000 credits or the kid dies" the note said.

Immediately I began a backtrack of where the message came from. The kidnappers had made a mistake not spiking the message and it was easily traced back to a warehouse in lower Krym. I set down the ratchet and cooling manifold. I walked over to the armory and began selecting weapons. Ghost had set a protocol on Kidnapping as well. Kill the kidnappers and rescue Ghost or whomever was kidnapped.

I pulled up a map of the city and began strategizing my plan. Based on the tight quarters and security footage of the tunnel of the surrounding warehouse area. The best weapons would be a plasma shotgun called an"Ougon", Ghost's new revolver that he had name "Judgement", and a close quarters automatic SMG called "Viper VII". I also grabbed a cloaking device and a few extra pieces of equipment.

I took the Hover bike to a tunnel corner and parked it in a crack in the wall of the tunnel used for parking. After watching the cameras I waited until the guard's were looking on the other side of the warehouse. After that I shut down all light and cameras in the area. I began walking down the tunnel. Luckily Ghost had retro fitted the Combat body to cold fusion exhaust or I would have been spotted by the thermal cameras.

I quietly stepped behind the Cryothremian thug. Cryothremians were short in stature and looked like muscular human with large amounts of hair grown along the face and appendages. With a quick and efficient jab to the neck the thug's neck was broken and his body was in my arm. I keep his body up and used it to walk towards the door. Using audio files found in the Krym government database I emulated the man's voice and said.

" Open up. It's getting cold out here with that storm going on." 

I then aimed the shotgun behind the man's back and waited for the door to open. The warehouse was small and only one room so based on that Felix would be in the middle of that room. Once the door was open I would blast whomever opened the door and the use the shotgun and the Viper to dispatch the rest before they killed Felix.

The door began to unlock. The door opened and another Cryothremian stood at the door. I pulled the trigger on the shotgun and let go of the body. The flash of the gun was hidden by the body and the energy shots erupted from it's chest and went straight through the man that opened the door.

" Good evening everyone." I said as I stepped inside and shot one of the ten guys sitting around.

As predicted Felix was tied in a chair in the middle of the room. Ten guys were scattered around the room and on the catwalks above. Crates were lined up for ever and a large plasma gun was mounted to a shield with clear view to the door. Luckily no one was at the gun yet and nor was anyone holding up there guns. The Viper was shooting one shot ever .2 seconds while the shotgun was steady blasting through crates and shields that weren't 5 inches of steel or something that could withstand a shot of plasma.

I had already taken 4 of them out when they had grabbed cover. I had stepped up and taken cover behind a large refrigerator that had been set up for covering the door. The Viper was spraying the catwalks while I had the shotgun aimed at ground level. Felix had tipped his chair backwards. Someone had gotten to the mounted plasma gun. Luckily Felix had tipped his chair over or the gun would have mowed through him.

The gun had armored plate around it so it was futile to try and shoot the person behind it with either gun I had at the moment. Instead I focused on the three other people left in the building two were on ground level and the other was on a catwalk.

The one on the cat walk threw a grenade. In midair I calculated the trajectory of the grenade and the made a few more calculations. I began squatting for the jump, dropped the shotgun and grabbed the handle of the refrigerator. Jumping and using the refrigerator as a pivot point I spun and kicked the grenade back at the thug that threw it up on the cat walk. It then exploded into a ball of fire and shrapnel. With the rest of the momentum I spun through the air, just barely spinning in between to plasma shots coming from the plasma gun. While still in the air I found I had the perfect trajectory to shoot both the guys behind the crates. Using the Viper both guys were dispatched with clean headshots. I then landed safely behind a large crate that seemed to have a ship motor nestled inside. I calculated that the best way to kill the gunner would be to simply walk behind him and take him out.

So after activating my cloaking device I simply stepped out from cover and walked behind the gun's shield. Pulled up the Viper and sprayed five holes into the man.

" And with that I say goodnight." I said.

After I untied Felix and began looking around.
" Thanks for saving me." Felix said as he got up from the chair.".

" Your welcome. Now help me move these bodies into this empty crate." I replied.

After moving all the bodies into a empty crates. I then began climbing to the warehouse office above. I then began going through the office paperwork and found the ownership paperwork of the warehouse. After careful laser etching of the owner's name I had Felix sign the papers and then I began hacking into the government office in Krym and changed ownership of the warehouse to Felix.

About that time there was a knock at the warehouse doors and the cameras showed a police Droid at the door.

" Felix, if you wouldn't mind go answer that and tell them there was a small problem with a power cell and that the situation is under control." I said.

Felix walked to the door opened the door and began speaking with the police bot. After a few minutes the bot left and Felix walked back.

" Looks like I own this building now?" Felix asked looking puzzled.

" Indeed, you do." I replied.

End of Chapter 17

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