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School policies are annoying. Sometimes they make sense, and sometimes they don't. No hoodies, no hats, no phones during class, and don't be late!

No lateness.

For some reason, I can never get that rule right.

I enjoy my sleep in the morning. Apparently, my school doesn't want me to be happy.


When I heard my name called, I snapped out of my daze. My head was resting on my table. Choi Beomgyu leaned very close to my face all of a sudden.

I immediately raised my head, putting space between us.

"I've been trying to get your attention." He titled his head, "What's wrong?"

Before I could respond, Ryujin spoke for me. "She got in trouble for being late again."

I let out a huge sigh. "The principal said I could get expelled. When you're late two times, it makes an absence. In total, I have over 25 absences."

"25!" Beomgyu shockingly gasped.

"If I have thirty absences, then I'm expelled."

"Hey, we walk the same way in the morning. Why don't you just come to school with me?" Beomgyu smiled brightly.

"I'm good. Thanks, though." I placed my head against my folded arms.

Beomgyu placed his hand on the back of my head. He started to mess up my hair. "Cheer up."

I could feel my face heat up. I inhaled deeply, attempting to calm my racing heart.

To him, it's completely meaningless. I wish I could say the same.

If only I could control my feelings.

Eventually, I raised my head and pinned my hair back into place. As I looked around the table, everyone was engaged in their own conversation. I could of just put my head back down, but my eyes just drew back to Beomgyu. He had his arm over Ryujin as they both stared at her phone.

"Let's watch that movie tomorrow."

"You can't watch scary movies, Beomgyu. You always pull on my arm." Ryujin reasoned.

"So protect me from the scary parts," Beomgyu replied in a cute voice.

Time for me to start dazing off. Dazing off is a secret power of mine. I discovered this power two years ago when I started developing feelings for my best friend's boyfriend. I learned how to distract myself.

You can't get hurt if you just don't pay attention.

Mid-dazing off, I felt a hand grasp my shoulder. As I turned, my friend Taehyun was staring coldly at me. "Do you want me to call you tomorrow morning?"


"To wake you up."

"I mean, sure."

Beomgyu unexpectedly leaned in close to me. "How come you choose his offer over mine?"

"Because you're annoying."

"I'm not annoying; I'm persistent."

"I see enough of you at school. I don't need to spend my morning with you too."

"Fine." Beomgyu pouted before turning back to Ryujin.

I sighed quietly into my lap.

You know what's worse than school rules.

Unspoken rules.

To Be Continued

To Be Continued

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© -midzyspider

© -midzyspider

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