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Things are not going well.

The tension was thick. I keep feeling guilty. I feel like I'm at blame for everything.

Even Beomgyu started to ignore me.

Last week he was completely down my ass, and now he's being distant. He was on the bus this morning but sat far away from me.

He continued to walk many steps ahead of me. It was strange.

Right now, I'm sitting on the toilet playing games on my phone. My classmates kept looking at me and whispering. I had to get away from them. So I took cover in the bathroom. Something is definitely happening and I'm out of the loop.

I stood up and turned around to flush. I stopped when I heard the bathroom door open.

"Did you hear about Chaeryeong and Beomgyu?"

I raised my eyebrows confused. What about us? There is no us.

"Yeah, I heard they were secretly dating behind Ryujin's back. What a backstabbing whore?"

My hands started to shake. What's going on?

"I heard they used to hang out at each other's houses. I feel so bad for Ryujin."

That's not true at all.

"Yeah, I saw Ryujin walking with her head down today."

"We should talk to her. She doesn't need those backstabbers."

I heard the faucet stop. The girls walked out, and the door slammed shut behind them. I flushed the toilet and walked out of the stall.

I looked into the mirror and watched as tears streamed down my cheeks. The bell rang, and I quickly wiped my face before exiting the bathroom.

People stared at me as soon as I walked out of the bathroom. I could hear the words they were saying as I walked down the halls.

"Look at Chaeryeong! Her eyes are red. The rumors must be true."

"Haven't you noticed the whole group ignoring each other? She's a complete home wrecker."

"She's a whore."

"She's a slut."

As the words circled, I felt like fainting. I hate this. I'm such a terrible person.

The walls were closing in around me. It was too much for me. I wanted to cry and break down.

Suddenly a figure appeared in front of me. As I looked up, it was Taehyun. I didn't even realize I was standing still in the hallway.

"Come, let's go to the nurse." Taehyun connected our hands. He dragged me through the hallways at a sudden speed.

He dragged me to the nurse's office in a hurry. I just sat on the bed beside the window because she wasn't there. I couldn't process what was going on.

How did people find out? I never told anyone but-

Taehyun handed me a bottle of water, "Here."

"Did you tell someone?" I took the bottle from his hand, quickly taking a sip.

"That you like Beomgyu. No, you told me to keep it a secret."

"How did everyone find out?"

Taehyun held up his phone. He showed me the school's anonymous website. Someone said that I was dating Beomgyu behind Ryujin's back. There were a bunch of photos of us walking to school together.

"This is all my fault," I brought my hands to my eyes and sobbed.

"It's not your fault. It's just a stupid rumor. We'll report the account and get it taken down."

"Taehyun, why are you still friends with me? Half of the school hates me. So, why are you being so nice to me?"

"Because I like you."

As I look up at him, my eyes widen. It was like a scene from a drama. The sunlight glowed on his face, and the tiny breeze caused his hair to fly. My heart stopped for a split second.

"W-W-What?" I stuttered.

"I like you," He repeated.

"S-Si-Since when?"

"Sophmore year. I was going to tell you, but I realized you had a crush on Beomgyu, so I didn't."


"Don't say anything,"


"I'm not asking for an answer. You already have enough shit going on, and I don't want to put you in an uncomfortable position."


He cut me off again. "I mean it. First, work out your issues with Ryujin and Beomgyu. Then you can give me an answer."

What just happened?

What just happened?

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© -midzyspider

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