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As soon as I arrived home Ryujin came over. We ate dinner together and headed toward my room. We both sat down on my bed. "My stomach is about to explode." She let out a loud burp. "Excuse me."

I smacked her gently in the arm. "Use your manners."

"Thank you for letting me come over."

"You don't need to ask anymore; you're always welcome. My mom enjoys cooking for you."

Ryujin smiled, and we both broke out laughing at the same time. She fell silent all of a sudden. Her smile turned into a frown as she placed her head on my lap.

"I think my parents are getting a divorce."

Her sentence changed the mood of the room. I looked at her and ran my hand through her hair. "Is there fighting getting worse?"

"My mom started to throw things." She let out a big sigh. "If they get a divorce, I might just move in with you." She smiled again.

"It'll be like the sister I always wanted." I joked, trying to cheer her up.

"What about Chaeyeon?"

"She never has time for me. She's always with her boyfriend."

"Figures a boy getting in the way of your relationship. That sort of thing seems to be happening a lot recently. I'm glad things like that will never happen to us."

"Y-Yeah." I nervously stuttered.

Ryujin's phone rang. The caller ID said Beomgyu with a heart at the end. I watched her pick up the phone and declined his call. He then sent her a text, which she also ignored. She powered off her phone and tossed it to the side.

"What was that about?"

"Huh?" She said, sounding confused.

"You just ignored him."

She shrugged, "I don't know. We're not on the best of terms right now."

"You guys were okay during lunch this morning."

"Well, he's been getting on my nerves lately."


Ryujin sat up from my lap. She looked at me very seriously. "I could be exaggerating, but don't you think Beomgyu is too friendly with girls?"

"He's just a nice guy."

"I know he's a good guy. But lately, it's been hard to see the difference between how he treats me from everyone else." Ryujin sighed and lowered her head. "I feel more like his friend than his girlfriend at times."

"Have you told him this?"

"Of course not," Ryujin's eyes widened. What if he thinks I'm being dramatic and wants to break up?"

Seeing the panic in Ryujin's face made me frown. She cares so much for Beomgyu. I'm a terrible friend.

"I just wish that he'd stop being so nice to everyone. Mostly the girls in our school. He's always laughing with them, and I get so jealous."

I let out a sigh before placing my hand on her shoulder. "Beomgyu likes you. He asked you out, not those girls. Talk to him and tell him how you feel. He can't change if you don't tell him the problem. Ignoring him will only make the problems worse."

Ryujin let out a relieving sigh, "You're right. I'll talk to him tomorrow."


"What about you?" She wiggled her brown.

"Hmm? What about me?"

"Any boy problems you want to talk about?"

"Nope," I began to stutter uncomfortably. "I-I-I'm not quite ready for that."

"I know when you're lying, Chaeryeong. You do have a crush on someone."

"A c-crush? N-No way. The guys at our school are dumb."

"Fine, I won't budge."

I let out a relieving sigh. I'm not sure how Ryujin would react if she found out about my crush. Would she be mad? Break our friendship?


She hummed softly.

"My uh...friend has a crush on a guy who has a girlfriend. What would you do if you were in the girlfriend's position?"

"Hmm. Well, if I were the girlfriend, I'd be upset."

"How mad?"

"It depends on how close she tries to get to my boyfriend. Let's say she was constantly flirting with him. I'd be furious and probably try to fight her."

"Oh," I took a big gulp.

"Are you the girl?"

"Huh," My eyes widen.

"Do you have a crush on a guy who already has a girlfriend?"

"I-I uhm."

"To be honest, Chaeryeong, this seems shady. You should respect the fact that the guy is already in a relationship. Just wait for him to break up with her and then swoop in."

"Don't worry. I'm just going to move on." I put on a forced smile, "You're the best friend in the world. I'm happy to have you."

"You too." Ryujin pulled me in for a hug and squeezed me tight.

Just move on. I can do that.

© -midzyspider

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© -midzyspider

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