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The day ended and I headed straight towards the exit. Normally I'd wait for Ryujin, but she was nowhere to be found. I think her fight with Beomgyu really did something to her.

Outside, I saw Taehyun and approached him. He was just standing around like he was waiting for someone."Hey!"

"Hi," he waved. "Are you on your way home?"

"Well, It's the end of the day, right?" I joked.

"Let me walk you to the bus stop."

"Okay." I shrugged.

We both began walking silently. I couldn't help but notice how often our hands bumped into one other. I'm curious as to how Taehyun's hands feel.

I widen my eyes, realizing what I just thought. I mentally slapped myself. When did I become a hand pervert?

"How come you two are together?" Suddenly, an arm snaked over me.

I jumped in shock. Beomgyu grinned as he placed his arms over Taehyun and me.

Taehyun pushed Beomgyu off first before I could. He stopped in his tracks and pushed Beomgyu to the other side of him, positioning himself in the middle. He clearly did it for me, but he didn't have to. I guess he didn't want me to feel uncomfortable.

Beomgyu just smirked. "Are we all walking home together?"

"No one invited you," Taehyun said under his breath.

"Don't be rude. Chaeryeong and I are both heading in the same direction."

Taehyun crossed his arms."You look fairly happy for someone who just fought with their girlfriend."

Beomgyu was quick to roll his eyes. "Ryujin is just tripping. I didn't do anything wrong."

"I'm sure you did something." I chuckled.

Taehyun seemed to smile at my joke but Beomgyu did not react. We finally reached my bus stop. "This is our bus stop. We'll see you later, Taehyun," Beomgyu smirked and started waving.

"Bye, Chae." Taehyun waved goodbye to me. Before walking away, he looked at Beomgyu and rolled his eyes.

I don't get a goodbye. Rude!" Beomgyu yelled. Taehyun shot his middle finger up as a response.

The bus soon arrived, and Beomgyu and I boarded. I could immediately sense the awkwardness. I walked in and took a seat near the window. Beomgyu sat next to me right away.

"Chaeryeong, you got to help me." He grabbed onto my elbow.

I pushed him away. "Help you with what?" I said sounding annoyed.

"Ryujin. Why is she mad at me?"

Like always I end up being stuck in the middle of their problems. "What happened?" I rolled my eyes.

"I went to buy ice cream for her and ran into my friend Jieun on the way there.  I also brought her ice cream, and we began discussing how difficult our science class is. When I returned to Ryujin, she was furious with me for being late."

This guy is a real dumbass sometimes.

"I seriously didn't mean to be late. I was just helping my friend out. Can I not do a nice thing for someone?" Beomgyu pouted.

He grabbed my hand and started shaking it. "Please talk to her, Chaeryeong. Tell her she's overreacting."

"I'm afraid I can't help you, Beomgyu. Ryujin is my best friend. I really shouldn't be speaking to you right now."

"You're my friend too." He pointed to himself.

"I shouldn't get involved. It's not fair to either of you."

"Chaeryeong." Beomgyu's voice softened. His face went from his usual playful look to a very depressed look. "I need your help."

I hated this side of Beomgyu. He was always so happy. Seeing him hurt just breaks my heart. The bus reached our stop. We both got off and started walking down the street. It was quiet for a while, but he soon started again.

"Just tell me how to apologize." He spoke interrupting the silence.

"You've been apologizing a lot recently. Do you even care?"


I let out a huge sigh. "Ryujin is having trouble knowing if you like her or not lately. "

"Ryujin said that?" Beomgyu stopped in his tracks. "Of course I like her. Why would she say that?"

"Beomgyu, you're kinda hard to read."

"How so?"

"Forget it; this isn't my problem." I raised my hands. I sped up my walking.

"You can just leave me hanging." Beomgyu stopped me. "Am I doing something wrong?"

I shrugged. "I don't know." Their problems aren't my business. Why can't he leave me alone?

"You're lying. I know Ryujin tells you everything." Beomgyu grabbed onto both of my wrists. He looked worried.

I don't know what I am feeling now. Is it jealousy or sadness? He was staring at me, but it was different this time. I dreamt of the moment Beomgyu would look at me fondly.

I slowly removed his grip from mine. "Call Ryujin tonight and tell her how you feel. I'm sure that would fix everything. I have to go."


"Bye, Beomgyu." I turned away from him.


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