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I wake up to my annoying ass alarm clock and can't help but, slap it to shut up. I lay there for another minute and realize, it's my first day of school!

I quickly change out of my pajamas and rush downstairs to eat breakfast.

Hmm, it seems mom hasn't woken up yet. I guess she's tired of putting little Sally to sleep.

No matter! I will just make breakfast myself. Ah... there seems to be a problem. I wasn't really ever the best cook to begin with. Hero always helped make breakfast for me whenever I woke i up super early. Now he's... away.

Well, I suppose I'll make cereal instead. I can't possibly mess that up.

After eating cereal and not messing up at it, I quickly put on my backpack and leave outside.

I notice while walking past Sunny's he comes out the door. I decide to wait up for the pale looking boy since I really didn't want to walk alone anyways.

"Hey Sunny!" I say to him.

"Oh hey Kel," he says in response.

"I'm really excited to go to school Sunny! I've always loved the feeling of meeting new friends!" I tell Sunny.

Sunny gives out a quiet laugh. "Same as ever."

I couldn't help but smile at him. I've always loved it when we share little moment of joy like this just between us. Since he barely shows any emotion nowadays.


We make our way in front of the school and who do we see? None other than Aubrey and Basil talking with each other.

"Huh, oh hey guys," says Basil.

"Ughh, I can't believe we have to go through another year of this shit!" Aubrey complains.

I forgot about that. We actually have to pass school to complete it... Yay! I can't wait...

After going inside the school they give us our schedules for the time being and we all head our different ways. Except me and Sunny. We have most of our classes together. I have some with Basil and Aubrey as well, thank god...

As the first part of the day passes we barely make it to lunchtime.

"These teachers are too STRICT for their own good," Aubrey says, "They need to relax it's only the first day!"

"Ohh poor you Aubrey, I'm sure it'll be alright," Basil reassures her.

Aubrey gives a slight glare to Basil, which makes him sweat a little.

"I like my classes! But, why do we have to do so much worrrrk," I say.

"It's fine Kel... it wont be too difficult. I'll help you if you need it..." Sunny says.

I could feel my cheeks get pink. I look away so they don't notice my face. Why am I blushing..? Am I embarrassed on how dumb I sound to Sunny? Or that he's willing to help me? I guess I'll never know for sure...


The day ends with everyone basically running for their lives to get out of the school, and to a very tired Aubrey. I can't blame her though, I'm also on the verge of passing out.

"UGHHH," Aubrey says. "This year is gonna be tough..."

"You said it Aubrey." I respond.

"Kel that's because you're brain is smaller than a fucking rock," says Aubrey, smirking at me.

"HEY! That's not true!" I say to Aubrey.

"Whatever you say," says Aubrey.

I can't believe her, she's already slandering me on Day 1. But, I notice Sunny staring at Basil. He looks like he wants to say something but stays quiet.

Oh! I nearly forgot about my plan of making them talk to each other. Its not much of a plan since I'm drawing a blank on what do to...

Suddenly I get an idea.

"Hey Sunny! Wanna walk home together?" I ask him.

"Huh," Sunny suddenly looks at me in a surprise, "Oh yeah, sure."

We all say our goodbyes and head our separate ways.


While walking home I strike my chance to ask Sunny about Basil.

"Sunny. Are you and Basil, okay?"

"What do you mean?" Sunny questions.

"W-well, I noticed you guys don't talk a lot to each other, a-and I was wondering if everything okay?"

Why am I nervous asking this? Hopefully he doesn't think I'm invading his privacy. Oh no what if thinks im weird–

"Everything is okay Kel. We talk a little over the phone. We just aren't used to talking after... y'know."

"Oh, now I feel dumb asking." I didn't mean to say that out loud! Stupid Kel.

"It's fine. You're just looking out for us." Sunny smiles.

"Thanks for realizing it, I just wanna make sure it's all good. I want everything to go to normal," I say sadly.

"Kel, things just can't go back to normal," Sunny tells me.

"I know I know, b-but!"

"Kel..." Sunny interupts, "Stop thinking about the past, things will be okay."

Did Sunny just.. reassure me? Heh, it's usually me who does that. This makes me realize how much Sunny's grown. I'm glad he's starting to take care of himself and others.

Sunny's cheeks turn pinkish from embarrassment, I suppose. That's the only reason I can think of. I guess he's not used to talking a lot.

But I like it when he does... he looks so cute reassuring and smiling at me.


Me and Sunny separated after we got to his house. Suddenly I notice a certain someone's car outside my house. It was Hero's car. OH! HERO'S BACK!

I quickly run my way inside my house to be greeted by the comfort of Hero's arms. I can't believe it, I've missed him so much only after a week.

"Hey Kel, how have you been?" asks Hero.

"I've, really missed you," I tell Hero.

"Only after a week?"

"Yeah, it feels like its been a lifetime," I respond, "so uh, what are you doing here?"

"I came here to visit my little bro obviously," Hero says.

It was nice hearing that, since all he could think about before was Mari. I mean we all love Mari obviously but we can't just keep mourning her death. It made me feel a little more appreciated not gonna lie.

I followed Hero to the kitchen where the rest of our family was. Mom making dinner and Dad watching over Sally. Hero went to go help Mom as she made dinner. I just sat there, while Hero and Mom were talking.

I couldn't help but think back to what Sunny said, "Kel, things just can't go back to normal." Does he mean when before we all distanced from each other? I hated those times... it felt so lonely. I'm glad things have gotten better.

As I kept thinking, Hero and Mom served us dinner. I was so hungry since I decided it was better to sleep the rest of the time in lunch, instead of eating


I spent the rest of the day catching up with Hero and playing basketball. I had a lot on my mind today. Not sure if that was a good thing because it made my head hurt.

I'm curious what'll happen tomorrow with Sunny and Basil. Since Sunny can barely hold yet even start a conversation I'll do the talking for them. I'll get them to talk once and for all.

At the End of the Week - {Suntan}Where stories live. Discover now